The U.S. empire has been surrounding China with military bases and war machinery for many years, in ways Washington would never tolerate China doing in the nations and waters surrounding the United States.
The origins of the Russiagate psyop unleashed on the American people can be traced back to a secret government program unearthed by this site’s founder.
Matt Taibbi joins CN Live! to discuss the implications of his Twitter Files revelations, including his latest on Hamilton 68 and its fatal blow to the Russiagate narrative. With Chris Hedges and John Kiriakou. Watch the replay.
CN Editor Joe Lauria was one of 644 Twitter accounts that secretly formed part of Hamilton 68’s fake “dashboard” that wrongly influenced major media about alleged “Russian influence.”
C.I.A. whistleblower Jeffery Sterling, who was sentenced to 3½ years in prison, says punishing Julian Assange for publishing critical information is designed to keep us enslaved in ignorance.
Chris Hedges interviews journalist Kevin Gosztola on his new book, Guilty of Journalism: The Political Case Against Julian Assange on The Real News Network’s The Chris Hedges Report. Transcript with bonus material follows.
The loan of a U.K. military officer raises further questions about impartiality of the office of the U.N. special envoy to Yemen when Martin Griffiths, a Briton, was in the post, Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis report.
On the anniversary of the “assessment” blaming Russia for interfering in the 2016 election there is still no evidence other than showing the media “colluded” with the spooks, Ray McGovern wrote on Jan. 7, 2019.