Category: Human Rights

Killing Children in ‘Self Defense’

Nobody can tell you how many children have been killed by drone strikes or “targeted” missiles and bombings in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia, Yemen or Libya, writes Craig Murray.

The Rise of Christian Nationalism

Abortion became just one potent weapon in the arsenal of a movement, years in the making, that is ready to flex its power in ever larger and more audacious ways, writes Liz Theoharis.

JOHN KIRIAKOU: The Whistleblower Crackdown

National Whistleblower Week is a call to action on behalf of Julian Assange, who marks a new extreme in a series of legal reprisals that have gotten more draconian since Kiriakou’s own national-security case in 2012.   

Will the Morning Come?

Over the past four decades, Brazil’s Landless Workers’ Movement has taken control of millions of hectares of land, forming the largest social movement in Latin America, writes Vijay Prashad.

Getting Stiffed on Health Care — Again

Provisions passed by the House last year that subjected insulin products to Medicare price negotiation and capped Medicare insulin copays at $35 per month have been left out of the latest draft of the bill.

THE ANGRY ARAB: Biden in Arabia

The U.S. president will be seen smiling with MbS and questions about Khashoggi’s murder, or the murder of other dissidents who were beheaded, will be dismissed in the name of “Arab-Israeli peace.”