Category: Human Rights

Chris Hedges: Woke Imperialism

Diversity is important. But when it is devoid of a political agenda it recruits a tiny segment of those marginalized by society into unjust structures to help perpetuate them. 

Guaidó is Gone But London Keeps the Gold

The U.K. stripped the assets of a foreign state and transferred them to political actors engaged in regime change, John McEvoy reports. The result has been a form of collective punishment for people in Venezuela.

Building a Public Future

The authors wave a red flag at public-private partnerships, which, despite major failures, continue to be promoted by institutions such as the World Bank to finance social services and infrastructure. 

Zionism’s ‘Three State Solution’

Netanyahu’s governmental partner, the Jewish Strength Party, is willing to conduct Palestinicide in order to create a Jewish-only society in the Levant, writes Vijay Prashad. A two-state solution, is simply no longer factually possible.

Police Terror in America

The officers in Memphis, Tennessee, came into the community to kill.  Like a pack of wild dogs, they were there to satisfy a blood lust and insatiable taste for Black flesh, writes Wilmer Leon.