Category: Human Rights

Climate Lawsuits Spreading Worldwide

While most cases have been in the U.S., the Global South represents a growing portion, finds a report compiled by the U.N. Environment Program and the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University.

Mutiny Against the World Order

As history continues, some cling frenetically to the certainties of the old world going down. For some Europeans, respect and reciprocity are still difficult concepts, says Peter Mertens.  

El Pais: CIA Spied on Ecuador’s Former President

Security company UC Global SL spied on Rafael Correa after he left office and passed information about his private meetings with several Latin American leaders to the C.I.A. and his successor Lenín Moreno, the Spanish newspaper reports.

BP’s Wars, Coups & Dictators

From Iran to Azerbaijan, Iraq to Nigeria, Russia to Venezuela, British foreign policy is largely captured by the global climate polluter, writes Mark Curtis. 

BP Financed Colombian Military

Documents reveal how the oil company offered to finance Bogota’s military as it was killing opponents during the 1990s and collaborated with a general accused of kidnap, torture and murder, John McEvoy reports.