Category: Human Rights

Israeli Commanders Reported to ICC

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant is at the top of the dossier of 40 commanders that Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN) submitted to the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

WATCH: ‘They Stole a Country in Full Bloom’

Pro-Palestinian Israeli activist Miko Peled explains to a Melbourne, Australia audience Thursday how Israel stole Palestinian cities and farmland in 1948 and has continued its ethnic cleansing until today’s brutal operation in Gaza.

A Master of Terror

Indonesian and Australian media are largely silent on Prabowo’s record in East Timor, writes Pat Walsh. This leaves voters in the dark about on an extended and revealing period of the likely next president of Indonesia.

US Losing Allies on Gaza

The U.S. again voted against a Gaza ceasefire on Tuesday, but this time a slew of U.S. allies abandoned Washington in the U.N. General Assembly, writes Joe Lauria.