Milagro Sala and her supporters denounce violations of due process in a case at the epicenter of a clash between the government and local social movements, Tanya Wadhwa reports.
Few contemporary novelists have explored the undercurrents of American society with more insight and pathos than Russell Banks, who died earlier this month.
No regime has an unlimited supply of political legitimacy. Any government, democratic or non-democratic, needs to constantly read public opinion and to try to respond to people’s minimum expectations and demands.
The Western establishment doesn’t appear to understand how Western journalists could exercise their own agency and judgment to critique U.S. foreign policy without them being agents of a foreign power, writes Joe Lauria.
Rights groups are criticizing inaction by the ICC prosecutor in a year when more than 200 Palestinians, including many children, were killed in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, writes Marjorie Cohn.
The mask is being lifted from the face of Israel’s apartheid state, exposing a grinning death’s head that portends the obliteration of the few restraints against killing Palestinians.