Category: Civil Rights

The CIA’s Unpunished Torturers

John Kiriakou, who blew the whistle on the C.I.A.’s global torture program, reflects on the impunity surrounding the U.S. leaders who authorized crimes against humanity and left Sept. 11 defendants’ trials in limbo.

No Justice for US-Tortured Iraqis

Human Rights Watch has found no evidence of the U.S. government paying compensation or other redress to victims of detainee abuse in Iraq. Nor has Washington issued “any individual apologies or other amends.”

CHILE 50 YRS: MI6 Secretly Helped Pinochet

As the regime murdered political opponents, a U.K. propaganda unit passed material to Chile’s military intelligence and MI6 connived with a key orchestrator of the coup, newly declassified files show, John McEvoy reports.

CHILE 50 YRS: UK Backed Pinochet’s Bloody Coup

When the Chilean military overthrew Allende’s democratically elected government on Sept. 11, 1973, U.K. officials worked with the new junta as it committed widespread atrocities, declassified files show, Mark Curtis reports.

The Bongo Family’s 56-Year Rule Over Gabon

Elections in the country during the dynasty’s decades in power were  followed by protests, then security force crackdowns and ultimately silence, writes Douglas Yates. Until Wednesday, when the Bongo regime was finally overthrown. 

On the Lincoln Memorial Steps 60 Years Ago Today

On Aug. 28, 1963, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, something didn’t quite sound right to Mahalia Jackson as she listened to Martin Luther King deliver his prepared speech during the March on Washington, writes Bev-Freda Jackson.