Category: Health Care

US in Neoliberal Death Spiral

There are counties in the U.S. where you’re beating the odds if you make it past 70, writes Richard Eskow. The country should stop tinkering around. It needs Medicare for All.

Historic US Healthcare Worker Strike

More than 75,000 employees in six states and Washington, D.C., of Kaiser Permanente, the nation’s largest nonprofit healthcare provider, on Wednesday began a three-day work stoppage.

Chris Hedges: Nurses Fight Godzilla

The front line against corporate tyranny is not the ballot box. It is in the desperate struggle by the overworked and underpaid to prevent corporate behemoths from turning everyone into gig workers.

Retirees Fighting Own Unions’ Health Cuts

Jenny Brown reports on the vote by New York City’s Municipal Labor Committee to  scrap some of the best retiree health care coverage in the country and push retirees onto the for-profit Medicare Advantage plan.