Category: Economy

US ‘Exports Obesity’

Timothy A. Wise says the dispute over GM corn in Mexico may test the extent to which a trade agreement can be used against a country’s public health and  environmental efforts.  

Big Agriculture Squeezing Argentina

The South American country has more than enough arable land to feed its 46 million people, writes Vijay Prashad. But during the rise of agribusiness, hunger and landlessness is growing and spawning new forms of protest.  

G7 Should Be Shut Down

This is an undemocratic body that uses its historical power to impose its narrow interests on a world that is in the grip of a range of more pressing dilemmas. writes Vijay Prashad. 

Global South Aims to Fix the UN

Calls to reform the Security Council have been made many times in the past, but Ramzy Baroud says Beijing’s position is particularly important in both language and timing.

Austerity & a New Cold War With China

Vijay Prashad says the expanding IMF-driven debt crisis, which has converted the idea of “financing for development” into “financing for debt servicing,” bears watching while China waives debt to 17 African nations. 

The Poverty Trap

Lower interest rates and longer-term paybacks that match the pace of underlying social progress are key to successful development finance, writes Jeffrey Sachs.