
Thanks to Our Readers

 From Editor Robert Parry: I want to personally thank our readers who were able to contribute to our mid-year fund drive. We did come up short on our $25,000 target, but a late surge got us closer than I had…

The ‘Don’t Kill That Puppy’ Appeal

From Editor Robert Parry: A reader called to suggest that our lagging fund drive take a page from the Republican hostage playbook and threaten to kill, say, a lovable puppy unless we get the donations we need. (We’re too small…

Last Call for Lagging Fund Drive

From Editor Robert Parry: For nearly 16 years, we have tried to give readers in the United States and around the world truly independent journalism, doing what the mainstream U.S. news media often doesn’t do: take on the hard stories…

Help Us Reach Our Goal

From Editor Robert Parry: I know there are many worthy projects deserving of your financial support. But it’s hard to envision how the United States (and the world) can get out of today’s troubles without a reality-based understanding of how…

In Case You Missed…

Some of our special stories in July explored the double standards regarding “freedom” in the Middle East, exposed new evidence on the 1980 October Surprise mystery, examined the spread of right-wing extremism, and more.

A Battle for America’s Lost History

For more than 15 years now, has been fighting to recover what we call “lost history,” particularly the narrative of how the United States stumbled away from its noblest principles and abandoned a commitment to fact and logic.

Halfway to Our Goal

We are almost halfway to our goal of raising $25,000 for our crucial mid-year fund drive. Please help us get the rest of the way there, asks’s editor and founder Robert Parry.

In Case You Missed…

Some of our special stories in June offered insights into continued neocon pressure for Mideast wars, the dubious praise for departing Defense Secretary Robert Gates, the reasons behind a planned voyage to Gaza, and more.

Fixing the American Narrative

We all are familiar with the age-old warnings about what happens if we don’t know the past, or if we base assumptions on foundations made of sand, or if we delude ourselves into thinking that safeguards exist when they have…