Category: Column

THE ANGRY ARAB: Installing a War Criminal

When Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982, the imposition as president of  Bashir Gemayyel  — who introduced the worst savagery seen during the country’s civil war — was one of the chief goals, writes As`ad AbuKhalil.

SCOTT RITTER: Reaping the Whirlwind

Putin’s order to begin partial mobilization of Russian military forces continues a confrontation between Russia and a U.S.-led coalition of Western nations that began at the end of the Cold War.

Ukraine Is the New Israel

As`ad AbuKhalil says current U.S.-NATO strategic calculations are demoting Israel from its once central position and will leave the apartheid state increasingly reliant on new alliances with the U.A.E. and Saudi Arabia. 

SCOTT RITTER: The Death List

The odious legacy of Stepan Bandera drives the suppression of those who dare challenge the narrative of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict promulgated by the Ukrainian government, its Western allies and a compliant mainstream media.