“American history is the history of the counterrevolution” — a discussion with author Joel Whitney about his latest book, Flights: Radicals on the Run.
The situation of Syria is like the chaos of Libya but there are many more actors (local and external) operating, making it difficult to foresee what will happen.
We cannot trust that federal agents will just be looking for child pornographers or international drug traffickers when they demand access to our electronics at the border.
Decades after deploying mass violence and rendering citizens grotesquely ignorant of the world, U.S.-led powers appear willing to risk world war, while reinventing a terrorist to lead what was a secular nation until last week.
Given Joe Biden’s apparently intimate involvement in Hunter’s dealings, it follows that his intent in pardoning his son is effectively to secure a pardon for himself.
Today is the gravest danger of nuclear war than at any time in the nuclear era. This is a reality so stark and intimidating that many people feel powerless to do anything about it. But something can be done.
Events during the Obama administration probably point to the way things will work out again, if the attack on Syrian forces continues for more than a few weeks.