Category: Cold War

Every Empire Falls

Every empire falls and the fantasy of American exceptionalism doesn’t exempt the U.S., writes Wilmer J. Leon, III. Yet the failing hegemon behaves as though it still controls events, but instead creates worldwide danger.

BRICS & World Balance

The entire BRICS project is centred around the question of whether countries at the nether end of the neo-colonial system can break free through mutual trade and cooperation, writes Vijay Prashad.

Profiteers of Armageddon

Private contractors run the nuclear warhead complex and build nuclear delivery vehicles. To keep the gravy train running, those contractors spend millions lobbying decision-makers, writes William D. Hartung.

The US Press, Spooks & the Church Committee

Nineteen fifty-three was a peculiar year for The Washington Post to question the C.I.A.’s drift into activist intrigues, writes Patrick Lawrence in this excerpt from his forthcoming book, Journalists and Their Shadows.

Oppenheimer’s Posthumous Exoneration

When AEC hearings that ended the physicist’s security clearance were declassified, historians were amazed they contained virtually no damning evidence against him, writes Robert C. Koehler.