Trump has been impeached again and this time the Republican-controlled Senate may convict to keep him from running in 2024, as Democrat-aligned big tech moves to shut him up, reports Joe Lauria.
Category: Censorship
Boot Coming Down Hard and Fast on Social Media
Colluding in Character Assassination
Assange Wins. The Cost: Press Freedom Is Crushed & Dissent Labelled Mental Illness
What’s At Stake in the Assange Decision
WATCH: Assange & Pilger in Debate on ‘Propaganda, Facts and Fake News,’ Dec. 2, 2017
Charges of Anti-Semitism & the Silencing of Dissent in Europe
When the Jewish “community” speaks with one voice because its other voices have been eliminated, you will not know it, writes Jonathan Cook. There will be no record of what was lost.
OPCW Execs Praised Whistleblower & Criticized Syria Cover-up, Leaks Reveal
These private admissions obtained by The Grayzone further expose the public whitewash of the Douma cover-up, and undermine the ongoing attacks on the whistleblowers who challenged it, Aaron Maté reports.