Category: Biden Administration

UN Honor, US Shame in Gaza

When Washington vetoed a ceasefire in Gaza Friday, it stood alone against international law as the U.K. — its tutor in imperial brutality — dutifully abstained, writes Jeffrey Sachs.

Zionist Suppression in Congress

It isn’t enough for U.S. legislators that Palestinians are suffering genocidal violence, writes Corinna Barnard. Last week lawmakers went after the freedom to protest in support of Palestinians as well.

Not a Penny Nor a Bullet Off the Table

The U.S. vice president, secretary of state and defense secretary are using unusually blunt language against Israel’s massacres of Palestinians. But the money and weapons keep flowing, says Joe Lauria.

The Nord Stream Lies Just Keep Coming

The idea that Ukraine’s senior command had the ability or daring to execute the complex and risky venture of blowing up the pipelines without involving the U.S. beggars belief, writes Jonathan Cook.