Category: Biden Administration


This year’s Munich Security Conference was predictably all about the imaginary danger that Russians intend to proceed westward into Europe as soon as they finish in Ukraine.

US Again Vetoes UN Cease-Fire Resolution

Algeria’s ambassador, who brought the resolution, said Washington’s lone opposing vote should be understood as “approval of starvation as a means of war against hundreds of thousands of Palestinians.”

WATCH: Facing Injustice

Chris Hedges interviewed Stella Assange, Jen Robinson and Kristinn Hrafnsson Monday about the hearing this week in Julian Assange’s extradition case.

The Killing Fields of Gaza

Throughout, and to its eternal shame, the West along with Arab governments in the region have stood by and offered nothing in the way of serious and meaningful intervention, writes John Wight.

EU’s Borrell: Cut Off Arms to Israel

On Monday, the EU’s top foreign policy official rebuked the U.S. president and other world leaders for decrying the loss of life in Gaza while also sending weapons to the Netanyahu government.