Category: Music

No Room at the Inn for Roger Waters

The rocker’s Buenos Aires and Montevideo hotel rooms were canceled because he opposes genocide in Gaza, so he must fly in from Brazil each night for his concerts, he told Pagina/12.

On the Lincoln Memorial Steps 60 Years Ago Today

On Aug. 28, 1963, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, something didn’t quite sound right to Mahalia Jackson as she listened to Martin Luther King deliver his prepared speech during the March on Washington, writes Bev-Freda Jackson.

DIANA JOHNSTONE: A Voice Heard in the Land

Planned obsolescence has been the dominant policy of the Western elite toward the working class since the neoliberal power seizure of the 1980s, a message that comes through in a new song suddenly sweeping the world. 

Workers and Democracy

Vijay Prashad highlights workers’ struggles in the second half of the 20th century against Third World dictatorial regimes put in place by anti-communist oligarchies and their allies in the West.