The U.S. prison system has put Marty Gottesfeld in one of their modern-day dungeons and cut off his email. But this whistleblower is a fierce fighter for his rights and one day he’ll be doing the same for others.
The popularity of both William Wordsworth, the Romantic English poet, and the Avatar franchise — in their respective eras — indicates a steady decline to destruction, writes Jonathan Cook.
Today’s holiday culture wars continue an ancient struggle, as Nat Parry explores in this adaptation from his new book, How Christmas Became Christmas: The Pagan and Christian Origins of the Beloved Holiday.
Film director Ben Lawrence and producer Gabriel Shipton, Julian Assange’s brother, answer audience questions after the premiere of their film Ithaka in New York on Sunday night.
The film Ithaka, about the quest of Julian Assange’s father to save his son, made its U.S. premiere on Sunday in New York City. It is reviewed by Joe Lauria.
Tomas was crippled for a war that should never have been fought. He was crippled for the lies of politicians. He was crippled for war profiteers. He was crippled for the careers of generals.
With DC Action for Assange, CN Live! screened Juan Passarelli’s film The War on Journalism in Washington Sunday, followed by discussion with Passarelli, Daniel Ellsberg, James Goodale, John Kiriakou, Stefania Maurizi, Cathy Vogan and Chip Gibbons. Watch the replay.