Category: Film

The Origins of Christmas

Today’s holiday culture wars continue an ancient struggle, as Nat Parry explores in this adaptation from his book, How Christmas Became Christmas: The Pagan and Christian Origins of the Beloved Holiday.

JOHN PILGER: We Are Spartacus

There can’t be democracy and colonial war; one aspires to decency, the other to fascism. Meanwhile, once welcomed mavericks are heretics now in an underground of journalism amid a landscape of mendacious conformity.

Oppenheimer, Berkeley & the Bomb

Contrary to its public reputation, Tony Platt says the campus where he became an anti-war activist in the 1960s has always been one of academia’s premier beneficiaries of militarism.

WATCH: The Australian Case Against AUKUS

Presented by Alison Broinowski for the 2023 IPAN ‘Peacewave’ conference. With former Foreign Minister Bob Carr, Senator David Shoebridge, Senator Jordan Steele-John, Mary Kostakidis, Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, David Bradbury, Kellie Tranter, Brian Toohey, Michelle Fahy, Vince Scappatura, Michael West, Dr…

The Military Dangers of AI

Pentagon officials acknowledge that it will be some time before robot generals are commanding vast numbers of U.S. troops and autonomous weapons in battle, writes Michael T. Klare. But they have several projects to test and perfect it.