Category: American Empire

Concealing US Militarism By Making It Sacred

The depth of the militarization of the United States and the harshness of its wars abroad have been concealed by converting death into something sacred, writes Kelly Denton-Borhaug in an address to U.S. veterans on Veterans Day. 

US Warns Australia Against Anti-Nuclear Treaty

Disarmament activists condemned Washington’s effort to intimidate the Albanese government from shifting its position on a treaty that the vast majority of Australians, according to a poll in March, support signing and ratifying. 

Secret Power: The War on WikiLeaks

Owen Bowcott on Italian investigative journalist Stefania Maurizi’s  new book documenting attempts to demonise and destroy Julian Assange and WikiLeaks and her seven-year battle to access government information.

What Worries the US Most About Lula

Steve Ellner says opposition to NATO’s stance on Ukraine has created fertile ground for the expansion of a bloc of non-aligned nations, now with a progressive possibly at the helm. 

Destroying Western Values, To Defend Western Values

The “fight for democracy” grows ever-more tyrannical, says Caitlin Johnstone. Now we learn that the U.S. intelligence cartel has been working intimately with online platforms to regulate the “cognitive infrastructure” of the population.

Secrecy & Empire

Under the guise of protecting the national interest, Australia’s security establishment acts in secret to uphold the global U.S.-led imperial order, writes Clinton Fernandes.