Category: American Empire

Police Terror in America

The officers in Memphis, Tennessee, came into the community to kill.  Like a pack of wild dogs, they were there to satisfy a blood lust and insatiable taste for Black flesh, writes Wilmer Leon.

US Can Turn Back Doomsday Clock

Instead of sending more weapons to Ukraine, the U.S. and its NATO allies could be taking these steps to lower the rising risk of nuclear conflict, write Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies. 

Caitlin Johnstone: US Constantly Provoking China

The way the U.S. has been positioning its war machinery around China would have sparked a third world war had the roles been reversed. Nonetheless,   talk inside the U.S. empire is all about Chinese “aggression.” 

Washington’s Version of Venezuela

The U.S. government believes that the only democratic institution in Venezuela is an assembly that has not met in seven years and whose term has expired, writes Vijay Prashad.