Category: American Empire

How Team Bush Escaped Justice Over Iraq

For 20 years the leaders of the U.S. and the U.K. have avoided criminal accountability, writes Marjorie Cohn. But just one year after Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, the International Criminal Court charged him with war crimes.

A Sane Voice Amidst the Madness

Former Australian PM Paul Keating has eviscerated Australia’s deal to buy nuclear submarines from the U.K. and U.S., saying there is no Chinese threat to defend against, despite the war hysteria stirring in Australia, writes Joe Lauria.

What Follows US Hegemony

The United States remains a powerful country, but it has not come to terms with the immense changes taking place in the world order, writes Vijay Prashad.

Chris Hedges: Ukraine’s Death by Proxy

Proxy wars devour the countries they purport to defend. There will come a time when the Ukrainians will become expendable to the U.S. They will disappear, as many others before them, from U.S. national discourse and popular consciousness.