In the aftermath of a deadly ambush of Russian troops operating alongside Malian armed forces, Damilola Banjo looks into fears of parts of Africa becoming a proxy war zone.
Aseel Saleh reports on comments by Hamas and Israeli officials ahead of ceasefire talks scheduled for Thursday, which Hamas now says it will not attend despite Iran offer.
After the medical care she’s received in Paris, U.S. rugby player Ariana Ramsey says she is ready to push for universal free healthcare in her home country.
The U.S. has had a moral obligation to commemorate Nagasaki, but this year the U.S. refused to mark its murder of innocent Japanese by defending its murder of innocent Palestinians.
The Palestinian Authority says it holds the Biden administration responsible for the attack on the al-Tabin school due to its financial, military and political support for Israel.
The imperial spin machine operates by reversing victim and victimizer, aggressor and defender — claiming to act in self-defense while existing in a continuous state of attack, writes Caitlin Johnstone.
Ben Carroll reports on an EV manufacturing boom that is bringing heavy investment into the South and, in the process, creating a new battleground for union organizing.