The author’s salvo follows a gathering at which activists were harassed, surveilled and sidelined by Egypt’s authoritarian government as lobbyists from Exxon, Chevron and other fossil fuel giants swarmed the venue.
Communications between the U.S. and Russia are essential for preventing an out-of-control crisis and a conduit exists for ongoing, high-level dialogue. But what is it really for?
SMART-TD announced Monday that just over half its members rejected the proposed contract due to restrictions on workers’ ability to make routine medical appointments.
In addition to advancing longstanding U.S. geo-strategic aims, it seems the proxy war in Ukraine is also being used to sharpen the imperial war machine’s claws for a looming hot war with China and/or Russia.
Without greater equality, Herman Daly, the pioneer of ecological economics, helped us understand that the environment has no real shot at renewal, writes Sam Pizzigati.