
The Origins of Christmas

Today’s holiday culture wars continue an ancient struggle, as Nat Parry explores in this adaptation from his book, How Christmas Became Christmas: The Pagan and Christian Origins of the Beloved Holiday.

Keeping Consortium News Free

The extraordinary generosity of some of our readers has allowed Consortium News to remain free for all to read, the same policy our founder Bob Parry adopted in 1995.

IMPEACHMENT: Biden Under Formal Investigation

Patrick Lawrence writes that Joe Biden, a.k.a. “the Big Guy,” will be formally investigated on accumulating evidence he participated and benefited from his son Hunter’s years of manifestly criminal conniving. 

WATCH: ‘They Stole a Country in Full Bloom’

Pro-Palestinian Israeli activist Miko Peled explains to a Melbourne, Australia audience Thursday how Israel stole Palestinian cities and farmland in 1948 and has continued its ethnic cleansing until today’s brutal operation in Gaza.