
WATCH: A US Tour for Assange

Former British diplomat Craig Murray has been touring the U.S. ahead of the possible extradition of imprisoned WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange. Watch these events with Chris Hedges, Scott Ritter and other supporters. 

A Different Take on Ukraine

CN has been ahead of the news on Ukraine, from reporting the coup and warning of nuclear catastrophe as far back as 2015, to news of the current phase of the conflict. Help us to continue our coverage.

Why Americans Are Never Told Why

When Western media discusses terrorism against the West, such as 9/11, the motive is almost always left out, even when the terrorists state they are avenging longstanding Western violence in the Muslim world, reports Joe Lauria.

CHILE 50 YRS: US Scars From 9/11/73

Chile under Pinochet was the experimenting ground for an economic project, neoliberalism, that inspired both Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. It was also a laboratory for torture and enforced disappearance of human beings, writes Brad Evans.