The Dangers of Practicing Journalism

In a time of war the crackdown on dissent tends towards the absolute.

It is becoming more and more dangerous to practice journalism.

It is a peril if you don’t fall in line with government narratives, especially on Gaza and Ukraine, for which the mainstream media are indispensable enforcers.  

In just the past month three British journalists have been either detained or arrested under the country’s Terrorism Act purely for journalism government didn’t authorize. One of our own columnists, Scott Ritter, had his house raided by the F.B.I. because of what he speaks and writes. 

Though we campaigned hard in our factual reporting for the eventual release of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, the war on journalism continues. 

And in a time of war the crackdown on dissent tends towards the absolute.

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1 comment for “The Dangers of Practicing Journalism

  1. Kawu A.
    September 5, 2024 at 14:25


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