WATCH: CN Live! — Assange: The Road to Freedom

Consortium News spoke with three of the leaders of the friends of Assange group in the Australian Parliament about their efforts to free Assange, who is now safely back in Australia. 

A cross party group of Australian parliamentarians worked assiduously to get the government to press the United States to drop the case against Assange or to enter into a plea deal, which Assange completed last week. With the WikiLeaks publisher now safely back in Australia, Consortium News spoke with three of the leaders of the friends of Assange group in Parliament:  Labor MP Julian Hill; and Greens Senators David Shoebridge and Peter Whish-Wilson about their efforts to free Assange. 

Hosts: Cathy Vogan and Joe Lauria. Producer: Cathy Vogan. Time:  1 hr, 13 min.

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