WATCH: Genocide Fuels Anti-Establishment Politics

Independent and third parties are being driven by opposition to the Establishment’s unconditional support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

Opposition to Israel’s genocidal attack on Palestinians has become a rallying cry for insurgent third party and independent candidates in Britain’s July 4 general election, especially in northern towns with large Muslim populations, like Blackburn in Lancashire. 

On Sunday, former British diplomat Craig Murray, running to represent Blackburn in Parliament, spoke to prospective voters with MP George Galloway about how to end Israel’s atrocities in Gaza. 

Israel has reduced Gaza to ruins. (UNRWA on X)

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4 comments for “WATCH: Genocide Fuels Anti-Establishment Politics

  1. Mrs R E BARLOW
    June 5, 2024 at 08:02

    Thank Goodness for Craig Murray – yes 76 years of occupation, and we are continuing to arm Israel STOP IT NOW! An end to the terrorist state of Israel on the West Bank as well as Gaza. The founders of the ‘state of Israel’ were Europeans – B Netanyahu was educated in the US. It is a settler-colonial state and they have no natural ‘right’ to the territory – they simply drove the inhabitants out.

    An end to an Israeli state – make it a single state for Jews and Palestinians together.

  2. anon
    June 3, 2024 at 18:05

    There is no difference whatsoever between the WW2 Einsatzgruppen and the bloodthirsty Zionist kiddie killers in Gaza.

  3. Valerie
    June 3, 2024 at 14:11

    Bloody brilliant. Thankyou all for your unstinting support of the State of Palestine and is rightful people.

    • Rob Roy
      June 3, 2024 at 16:00

      Valerie. Well said.

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