Jewish businessmen, entertainers, journalists and religious figures signed a full-page ad in The New York Times saying, “Jewish people say NO to ethnic cleansing!”
By Jessica Corrbett
Common Dreams
Over 350 rabbis and dozens of Jewish public figures on Thursday placed a full-page advertisement in The New York Times protesting President Donald Trump’s proposal to force all Palestinians out of the Gaza Strip and take over the coastal enclave recently decimated by U.S.-armed Israeli forces.
“Trump has called for the removal of all Palestinians from Gaza,” the ad states. “Jewish people say NO to ethnic cleansing!”
The ad then lists the hundreds of people who signed on, including V (formerly Eve Ensler), Peter Beinart, Judith Butler, Molly Crabapple, Ben Cohen, Ilana Glazer, Tavi Gevinson, Nan Goldin, Naomi Klein, and Joaquin, Rain, and Summer Phoenix.
“Donald Trump—like Pharaoh in the Bible—seems to believe he is God with authority to rule, own, and dominate our country and the world,” said Rabbi Yosef Berman of New Synagogue Project in Washington, D.C., a signatory to the Times ad.
“Jewish teaching is clear: Trump is not God and cannot take away Palestinians inherent dignity or steal their land for a real estate deal,” Berman continued. “Trump’s desire to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from Gaza is morally abhorrent. Jewish leaders reject Trump’s attempts to wring profit from displacement and suffering and must act to stop this heinous crime.”
Glazer, a comedian and actor, similarly stressed that “we, Jews, and all of us who care about basic human rights, must speak up and stand up to ensure Palestinians remain on their land, so they can rebuild their homes and lives in Gaza after the genocidal destruction they have endured. All of our safety is intertwined.”
Israel faces a genocide case at the International Court of Justice for its 15-month military response to the Hamas-led October 7, 2023 attack. The Israeli assault killed more than 61,000 Palestinians in Gaza, according to estimates by local officials. A fragile cease-fire took effect last month.
After Hamas threatened to suspend the release of additional hostages over Israeli violations of the deal—which prompted Israel to threaten more violence, seemingly backed by Trump—the group said Thursday it would free three captives this weekend.
The ad in the Times on Thursday is just part of the growing opposition to Trump’s proposal to kick Palestinians out of Gaza and turn the territory into what he claimed could be the “Riviera of the Middle East.” Polling published Wednesday by Data for Progress shows that a majority of Americans are against the United States seizing control of Gaza, and nearly 7 in 10 oppose sending U.S. troops for the takeover.
A coalition of over 100 groups led by A New Policy—founded by Biden administration officials who resigned in protest—and the Quaker organization Friends Committee on National Legislation said Monday that they “decry and oppose any effort or initiative, and any calls for, the forcible displacement of Palestinians from Gaza, and support the joint statement of Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, the Palestinian Authority, and the Arab League that similarly rejected any such steps.”
The Guardian reported Thursday that Cody Edgerly, director of the In Our Name Campaign and one of the organizers of the Times ad, pointed to Trump’s relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying that it came at “a critical time as political redlines that were once thought immovable are rapidly shifting as the Trump-Netanyahu alliance takes hold again.”
It has been “heartening to witness such a rapid outpouring of support from across the denominational and political spectrum,” added Edgerly. “Our message to Palestinians is that you are not alone, our attention has not wavered, and we are committed to fighting with every breath we have to stop ethnic cleansing in Gaza.”
Beinart, editor-at-large of Jewish Currents and author of Being Jewish After the Destruction of Gaza: A Reckoning, said in a statement that “as someone who loves the American Jewish community, and lives my life in the American Jewish community, and could not imagine another way of living. It is utterly horrifying to see the degree to which people who enjoy great legitimacy and respect in our community are willing to support something that would be considered one of the greatest crimes of the 21st century.”
Another signatory to the ad, Rabbi Toba Spitzer of Congregation Dorshei Tzedek in Newton, Massachusetts, said that “it is vitally important that we in the American Jewish community add our voices to all those refusing to entertain this insidious plan.”
Nazi leader Adolf Hitler’s “dream of making Germany ‘Judenrein,’ ‘cleansed of Jews,’ led to the slaughter of our people,” Spitzer added. “We know as well as anyone the violence that these kinds of fantasies can lead to. It is time to make the cease-fire permanent, bring all of the hostages home, and join in efforts to rebuild Gaza for the sake of and with the people who live there.”
Jessica Corbett is a senior editor and staff writer for Common Dreams.
This article is from Common Dreams.
Views expressed in this article and may or may not reflect those of Consortium News.
And WHERE are the rest of the Jews??? All this will be very hard to ever forget…
I say thank you to the Jews that have taken this public stance. I can well imagine the pressure within that community to keep silent. But these signers have chosen to place to their sense of humanity above the dictates of their Zionist elders. That is a gigantic step in the right direction.
There is so much to be done….actually, to be undone. The State of Israel is a crime against Humanity….it needs to be undone. This cannot happen without the participation of the Jews themselves. I believe, as Anne Frank believed, that there is a central core of Humanity in everyone… but it is up to everyone to find that core for themselves. Let us move together to unravel this selfish mess.
Excellent. Just excellent.
There’s just no improving on that.
Those charging that American Jews are “late” in their objections haven’t been paying much attention. One of the earliest large-scale protests against Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians was organized by NY Jews in late October, 2023. hxxps:// Look up Jewish Voice For Peace. Jews have also been active participants in the many college protests that followed.
Well, I’m glad so many US Jews are pro-Palestine, pro-Gaza. Probably Trump cares rather more about the Evangelicals, mostly Dispensationalists and Christian Zionists, who think a Jewish state will lead to the Apocalypse any day now. They have no use for Palestinians.
Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. I wonder how many would be speaking out if Harris had won the election?
Have the Catholic Bishops taken any position on the horror happening in Gaza and the West Bank ?
Are there any Berrigan brothers around to join with the many rabbis that are protesting ?
You might be interested in signing and helping spread my petition calling on Pope Francis to go to Gaza. What more Christ-like act could he ever do?
He could follow Jesus’ teachings. That means no status, no money, no privilege, no tribalism. See Albert Nolan’s Jesus Before Christianity.
[replying to your comment below about genocide, which doesn’t feature a ‘Reply’ button]
And governments often object to the term genocide when it does seem applicable, for example the ways Australia, Canada and the USA treated their native populations.
Zionists have long maintained that Mr God promised the land of Israel to the Jewish people a few thousand years ago. Now, many of the most rabid Zionists seem happy to give a part of what they’ve long considered theirs to the USA. Have they reinterpreted their holy scriptures?
Or have they decided their deity can go to hell along with the Palestinians?
Where have all these people been for the last 5 months as Israel massacred thousands of Palestinians? Now they speak out. Did they think Israel wasn’t trying to ethnically cleanse Gaza? I know that some on the list have spoken out, but not many in my reading.
Many of us have been in the street, standing with Palestinians against the monstrosity of Zionism and the U.S. arming of genocide
Better late than never.
Now let’s see a call for reparations. The entities/people who caused the devastation that the Palestinians of Gaza are now having to navigate, should be held responsible.
I think so. What happened was unacceptable IMHO.
I guess this report is better late than never?
oh my God
voices of sanity
freed from self or others restraints , freedom to express openly , courage unrestrained
I applaud
I saw Scott on Sabby – please be undecieving ( no judgent by me ) we have to trust someone who does use thier given intelect toward truth with trust
I want have that faith , ie , once a marine always a marine analogy
If Hegseth can be forgiven from discretion , we all can
Some of us have our input disregarded but need the knowledge of honest gifts too
I sense a new found expression from Scott , a freedom of sorts released
Stay true , integrity is taken away with broad strokes too easily and self worth dwindles as a result .
I say this because indiscretions can be overblown in others eyes by a self righteous portrayal that others who judge only on an issue they can say ” I never did that ” claims of clear mind assement is only an analysis
Those left without pardon ?
Than one issue may the pedestal stood on to discredit another as thiers are safely unexposed .
An example I use when I married in the church — I said I am imperfect and feel I may not fit in —
The response was the place is full of sinners
A burden was lifted and gave me beloning
I cannot speak as an unbeliever but we are all human and have felt that too .
We all come to a crossroad and repeating mistakes hoping for different results as the analogy seems to fit here .
I welcome honesty to self and no need to explain to anyone else as proof can be self evident
We will all need to make a change at times for self respect and inner growth , dont let detractors tell you who you are
Accept and return acceptance when appropiate for not just yourself
Pride can be an enemy , humility builds community , but transgression can be overvome if one can change and find honesty by being truthful to yourself .
Others will notice as well if they can do the same .
It is not given but earned – some may never understand until the come to that crossroad unless the road they follow has a dead end .
Then what ? A retrace backward only to return again ? A strightline seems a loop with 2 dead ends filled with passerbys ? An empty crowded room ?
It’s not Jewish people in Israel or abroad that are anti-humanity. It’s Zionists (and Neocons, Banderites and Fascists…). Applause for this principled stance.
I don’t know about that. Even calling it “Israel” is normalizing the ethnic cleansing that started being perpetrated in 1948. Even the Zionists called it Palestine before that.
An observation. Until Trumps bombastic statements, it was possible to see Zionism as acceptable. It was possible for Bibi to go to Congress and get a standing ovation. Trump only stated the truth behind what was always true.
Now that what is true is out in the open, they have to take a stand. Now that the truth is out in the open, it is no longer possible to call those who oppose Zionism, antisemites.
Also evidenced by fact that many of the signers did not take such a stance during 16 months of U.S.-Israel’s outright genocide. Noticing also use of the term “ethnic cleansing” which softens and is shade more euphemistic than actual “genocide” term.
I first came across the term during the wars and fighting among the nations and peoples previously comprising Yugoslavia, and Google Ngram shows it being extremely rarely used until around then. I thought at the time it was not just a euphemism, but an extremely sick one, portraying genocide and mass murder in the same light as brushing your teeth.
Many scholars say they are two different things. Ethnic Cleansing means forced relocation of a people, genocide is clearly defined in the Genocide Convention. Britannica: “The significant difference between the two remains, however: whereas ethnic cleansing aims to force the flight of a particular group, genocide targets the group for physical destruction.” For the first 15 months Israeli leaders certainly expressed the intent and they followed with actions intended to destroy the Palestinians in Gaza, in whole or in part. Trump is illegally suggesting their transfer.
Thank you.
My comment is still true regarding when I first came across the term and what I assumed it meant, though had I known what you point out I might not have posted it. When I first heard the phrase (some time in the 1980s) it was apparent to me, and many others, that mass murder or even genocide was taking place. It hadn’t been proven or even well documented by then, and mainstream news outlets do like to ‘play it safe’. I assumed it was a disgusting euphemism, and it often seems to be used that way nowadays – but perhaps if I pay more attention to what the likes of the BBC are saying, I’ll realise they are using it in the way you (and Brittanica) describe!
And you must be careful when the government uses the term “genocide.” It’s used to stir people up when there is no genocide taking place. Sort of like “humanitarian intervention.”
Perhaps that’s true for some, but the idea that Zionists will just give it up, now that any shred of a cover story has been destroyed, is one I’d love to think was possible. Unfortunately, I fear the longstanding lack of reason, and compassion, will decide otherwise.
Thank you, John and Coleen, for stating what I said to myself from the beginning. Only because it’s Trump saying/planning whatever, the people sleeping for the past year and much longer are now beginning to stir. My vote was for Jill Stein, knowing if Kamala won nothing would ever change, but that a Trump win would force even the Dems to oppose what they had applauded for so long.