Andrew P. Napolitano on the George W. Bush-crafted Devil’s Island at Guantanamo Bay and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s pending courtroom plea, which will take place before Biden leaves office.

A detainee in an outdoor recreation yard at Joint Task Force Guantanamo’s Camp IV, June 8, 2010. (Joint Task Force Guantanamo, Flickr, CC BY-ND 2.0)
When British kings wanted to dispose of troublesome enemies — real or imagined — they often had them or their colleagues arrested on pretextual charges and then brutally tortured until confessions were extracted.
The confessions were then read aloud during so-called trials; and, of course, the defendant was convicted of whatever crime was the subject of the confession.
All this was done in order to satisfy the political, and in many cases the personal, desires of the monarch by creating the impression of due process.
Often the torture occurred in remote places, so remote that there was no government there, and the king and his counselors could argue that the protections of the British traditions of fair play — the British do not have a written constitution, but rather a set of traditions — was not violated because the torture occurred in a place where the traditions did not apply.
When one of the victims of this practice was an official who had previously engaged in perpetrating it, the House of Commons, many of whose members feared becoming victims of the monarch’s desires, adopted the principle of habeas corpus.
That ancient right compelled the jailer of any person anywhere to bring the jailed person before a neutral magistrate and justify the confinement.
Due process has numerous definitions and aspects, but for constitutional purposes it basically means that all charged persons are presumed innocent and entitled to a written notice of the charges, a speedy and fair hearing before a neutral fact finder, a right to appeal; and the entire process imbued with fairness and a profound recognition of personal innocence until guilt is proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
Due process also explicitly prohibits the use of torture.
Protections in US Constitution

Jan. 10, 2002: Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld escorting President George W. Bush from the Pentagon were the president addressed military and Department of Defense personnel. (DoD, Public domain)
In order to ensure that due process and habeas corpus would trump the whims of government officials — stated differently, to ensure that the British system of torture and confession and conviction did not occur here — James Madison and the Framers crafted protections in the Constitution to which all in government needed to swear allegiance and support.
Fast forward to the United States Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and you can see the constitutional system turned on its head.
This George W. Bush-crafted American Devil’s Island, which costs $500 million a year to operate, once held 780 prisoners, allegedly there due to their personal involvement in the war on terror against the United States.
Not a single one of them has been convicted of 9/11-related crimes, and only one former detainee is currently serving time in an American federal prison.
Nearly all the prisoners were tortured, and most were captured by roving militias and sold to American forces for bounties. Last week, under cover of darkness, the Biden administration released 11 detainees, all of whom had been at Gitmo for 20-plus years and none of whom had been charged with a crime.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in 2003 after his capture.
(Wikimedia Commons, Public domain)
The best known of the remaining 15 prisoners is Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, whom the government claims was the mastermind of 9/11.
Mohammed was scheduled for trial when the military judge in his case retired. The new judge — the fifth on the case — was confronted with the daunting task of reading 40,000 pages of transcripts and documents concerning the torture of Mohammed by U.S. personnel.
At the same time, a new team of military and civilian prosecutors was assigned to the case and the new prosecutors told their bosses in the Pentagon and the new military judge that unlike their predecessors — who sought to mitigate the 183 torture sessions U.S. personnel administered to Mohammed — they were prepared to acknowledge it and decline to use any evidence obtained from it in the courtroom.
This remarkable turnaround — one that rejected the premises upon which Gitmo came into being — resulted in the prosecutors commencing plea negotiations.
The Bush-inspired premises of Gitmo were that since it is located in Cuba, federal laws don’t apply, the Constitution doesn’t apply and federal judges can’t interfere. In five landmark decisions, the Supreme Court rejected all these premises, and the new team of prosecutors and the new judge recognized as much.
The prosecutors basically said that they cannot ethically defend torture, they will not offer evidence derived from it in the case, and the case is difficult to prove without evidence derived from torture. This is a remarkable lesson to be learned.
Instead of cutting holes in the Constitution, follow it. Instead of using torture, use acceptable investigative techniques. Instead of crafting a Devil’s Island, use the systems in place that have basically worked.
The settlement negotiations produced an agreement for a guilty plea that removed the death penalty from the case, required Mohammed to answer truthfully all questions put to him under oath and in public by prosecutors, defense counsel and lawyers for 9/11 victims’ families, and life in prison at Gitmo; not America’s hellhole in Florence, Colorado.
The plea was approved in writing by all, including the retired general in the Pentagon in charge of Gitmo prosecutions — herself a former military appellate judge. When Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin learned of the plea agreement, he instructed the military prosecutors to move to vacate the agreement they had instigated.
The trial judge denied this unique request. Last week, a military court of appeals upheld that denial. Mohammed’s courtroom plea will now take place before President Joe Biden leaves office.
None of this jurisprudential mess would have occurred if Bush had allowed the criminal justice structure to proceed unimpeded. The use of torture, rotating judges and prosecutors, and incarceration for 20 years without charges or trial are all hallmarks of an authoritarian government.
If justice consists in convicting the guilty using established norms and fair procedures, Gitmo has been an unjust unhumanitarian disaster. But if justice consists in the king getting whatever he wants, then the Constitution is useless as a protector of freedom.
Andrew P. Napolitano, a former judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey, was the senior judicial analyst at Fox News Channel and hosts the podcast Judging Freedom. Judge Napolitano has written seven books on the U.S. Constitution. The most recent is Suicide Pact: The Radical Expansion of Presidential Powers and the Lethal Threat to American Liberty. To learn more about Judge Andrew Napolitano, visit
Published by permission of the author.
The views expressed are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of Consortium News.
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And in an unrelated matter…
Neither was the mass-murder that occurred on live television ever investigated, prosecuted, sentenced. The rule of law was discarded that day in some mysterious way that cannot be discussed. Ever.
What constitutional jiggery-pokery did the Sith Lord Cheney invoke to discard our protocols for law enforcement to “do it’s job?” How does that work?
Trust me, it’s better to just not ask, unless you know the truth to be generally horrible. Twas the beginning of the ending of “America”–whatever that means.
“Neither was the mass-murder that occurred on live television ever investigated, prosecuted, sentenced. The rule of law was discarded that day in some mysterious way that cannot be discussed. Ever.”
As a 9/11 widow who continues to fight for truth, transparency, accountability, and justice, I can confirm this statement.
What boggles my mind is that, largely speaking, Americans don’t seem to care that 3,000 innocent civilians can get vaporized in broad daylight, lower Manhattan, and not one single person gets held accountable in this great democracy we call America. Poof. Gone. Covered Up. Go Away, and shut up.
What I’ve learned in the past 23 years as I’ve witnessed rights watered away into nothingness, torture, drone strikes, wars based on lies, imperialism, war crimes, weapons deals, censorship, etc. is that at this point, there is no place to go to call “foul” and demand accountability, responsibility, justice. Slowly institutions, entities, and individuals that used to keep an eye on things to provide an avenue of redress have disappeared. There are no investigative journalists, no commissions of inquiry, no ombudsman for victims. I believe that’s by design.
I’ve tried and will continue to try to receive justice for the murder of my husband, but it’s an uphill battle because we are being denied justice at every turn. They’ve hamstrung us with ambulance chasing attorneys who are conflicted, largely incompetent and paid off. They use a handful of “spokespeople” whose talking points are written by the attorneys. At this point, many of us believe the attorneys’ sole job was to (always) keep us distracted and looking away from the truth, and those who should be truly held accountable.
The one place we are supposedly allowed to be given a modicum of justice is in a government compensation fund (run by DOJ), that is riddled with corruption and largely designed to pay off hedge funds in the Caymans (whose investors seek to profit from terrorism at the direct expense of 9/11 widows and children). Billions flow through this fund, ($6billion from American taxpayers), lawyers have been paid $2billion so far! It’s an elaborate ponzi scheme on top of a shell game created by the very Senators that are supposed to be tort reformists (repub side) and/or 9/11 champions(dem side)….wanna guess who’s on the back end of the hedge funds?
The grift and greed is astounding. Rotten to the core while using our names (and the words “9/11” wrapped in a flag) to rape and pillage. I believe it speaks to all the problems with this country during these very sad times, and why our society is where we are at today.
I’ve not given up hope or the fight for what’s right, but it’s a lonely slog for those of us in it. We could use some help, if anyone’s interested.