Helping CN’s Mission to Overcome Miseducation

Too many Americans, through neither malice nor ideology, but through education and upbringing, believe national myths that spread death and destruction, not democracy. 

Jan. 25, 1899 issue of Puck magazine. (Wikimedia Commons)

Americans  grow up in a political culture in which many of them continue to believe into adulthood certain assumptions about America’s place in the world.

Chief among these is that U.S. motives abroad are to spread and defend democracy rather than to impose its economic and geostrategic interests, often through extreme violence.

Consortium News is dedicated to challenging these widely-believed myths about America with factual reporting. 

Minds can be so poisoned, though, that a publication that does this is unlikely to be seen as genuinely trying to get at the truth, but rather as being an agent of an American enemy. 

If you criticize Israel’s actions in Gaza, you belong to Hamas. If you disagree with NATO’s policy in Ukraine, you are a Kremlin stooge. And you’re probably being paid too. As many of the people levelling these smears are paid to do so, they can’t conceive of anyone taking positions other than for money. 

Since so many falsehoods have become part of the fabric of the nation, a publication like Consortium News can be branded disloyal to the United States for pointing out disturbing truths most Americans would rather not face.

Among these truths are the indisputable facts that the U.S. has been responsible for the destruction of huge amounts of innocent lives abroad and the squandering of the national treasure better spent at home for the benefit of the American people.

Too many Americans, through neither malice nor ideology, but through education and upbringing, side with the national myths, especially if their own interests are bound up with them. 

Consortium News interests are not.  Consortium News is a threat to powerful people who have an interest in keeping the story told to Americans alive and in suppressing anyone challenging it.

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