WATCH: CN Live! — ‘Assange Appears as Mideast Burns’


Craig Murray, journalist, diplomat and whistleblower, and journalist Richie Medhurst speak about the importance of Julian Assange‘s speech to a committee of the Council of Europe on Tuesday and on the explosive situation in the Middle East that could lead to regional war.

Both Murray and Medhurst have been questioned at U.K. border entry points by authorities under the country’s Terrorism Act solely because of their journalism. Both face possible prosecution for supporting a “proscribed” group, namely criticizing Israel’s genocide in Gaza in their journalism, falsely interpreted as support for Hamas.

They were interviewed by Elizabeth Vos and Joe Lauria. Produced by Cathy Vogan 1hr and 58 min.


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4 comments for “WATCH: CN Live! — ‘Assange Appears as Mideast Burns’

  1. Valerie
    October 4, 2024 at 15:56

    Marvellous. Thankyou all for that analysis. But sometimes listening to level-headed debates and discussions only makes it worse to think we cannot have the same calibre of integrity and common sense in our governments and leaders in the west.

  2. nonclassical
    October 4, 2024 at 15:26

    Thank you so much gentlemen and women, emphasizing your wind-up comments towards last 30 minutes…loved the evaluations of Assange, which began observations. Thank you Mr. Murray, from loyal small contributor….

  3. Art
    October 4, 2024 at 05:28

    One could tell by Julian’s reaction towards the end of the Q&A, that he has not fully recovered yet, when stating “… (sorry) … I’m getting tired …” ! We have to respect that, and wish him all the best for recuperation. This gives us also time to prepare for our standby during his legal revenge.

    • mary-lou
      October 5, 2024 at 14:25

      Craig Murray describes Assange’s appearance before the European Council as follows: “…I […] was very worried about Julian’s health. I do not wish in any way to detract from his extremely good performance and the success he had and deserved. But to me, the signs that he has not fully recovered yet were very obvious. His physical recovery appears to be complete; he looked fit and had lost that prison puffiness. But after years of isolation the brain takes longer to re-adapt to stimuli….” – hxxps://

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