The Dangers of Practicing Journalism


In a time of war the crackdown on dissent tends towards the absolute.

It is becoming more and more dangerous to practice journalism.

It is a peril if you don’t fall in line with government narratives, especially on Gaza and Ukraine, for which the mainstream media are indispensable enforcers.  

In just the past month three British journalists have been either detained or arrested under the country’s Terrorism Act purely for journalism government didn’t authorize. One of our own columnists, Scott Ritter, had his house raided by the F.B.I. because of what he speaks and writes. 

Though we campaigned hard in our factual reporting for the eventual release of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, the war on journalism continues. 

And in a time of war the crackdown on dissent tends towards the absolute.

We need your help now more than ever. 

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6 comments for “The Dangers of Practicing Journalism

  1. LeoSun
    September 7, 2024 at 18:25

    * “We live in an information age and this is the battle for the freedom of information at all levels.” Emmy Butlin, 7.3.23

    …… “It is a peril if you don’t fall in line with government narratives, especially on Gaza and Ukraine, for which the mainstream media are indispensable enforcers.” Consortium News

    “What one understands is only half-truth & what one does not understand is the truth.” North African proverb

    ……. “Alternative media is the MOST important way of circumventing” THE RACKET [the Sy$tem of Submissiveness. Servitude. “Pure & Simple Servility”] “this imperial system & understand that you need to go to the RIGHT places b/c the MSMedia is NOT gonna give you the information that you need, to understand, our role in the world; &, our role, in what is really happening in Gaza.” Matt Kennard

    It’s imperative that “we” understand what “our” role is in STOPPING/CANCELING Complicity.

    …… George Galloway, “He is the Dean of Investigative Journalism in the UK. Admittedly, the competition is not fierce; but, even if it were,” [He ROCKS]!!! Matt Kennard, “A rogue Reporter versus the U.S. Empire,” HOW Corporate Media works;” &, “HOW the American Empire works,” The Racket. A best practice, Crank Up the Volume @ hxxps://

    Obviously, the Beast’s, AUKUS’, far-reaching tentacles w/its dirty, grubby, bloody claws prying, poking, peeping into “randomly chosen” Investigative Journalists’ professional & personal life, unfknexpectedly, is f/outrageous!!! Obviously, what the Beast attempts to do is cancel investigative journalism; and, like Julian Assange, the Beast’s intent is to make investigative journalists, “non-persons, not entitled to human rights;” but, “rag dolls of the state that can be kicked and treated without any protection.” This is NOT sustainable.

    Hence, Patrick Lawrence’s, “The Sound of Enforced Silence,” @ CN’s “Home Page,” is a MUST read!!!

    ……. “Though we campaigned hard in our factual reporting for the eventual release of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, the war on journalism continues.” Consortium News

    Everybody, knows, that a “curtain of secrecy exists and that a parallel world of dirty secrets lies behind it.” NILS MELZER, UN’s Special Rapporteur on Torture & Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

    Not for nothing, CN; but, Consortium News’ investigative journalism + CN’s “Live!” from Australia, the UK, France, the USA nka the Divided States of Corporate America, + “Comments,” 100% ROCKED courage, common sense, caution!!!

    FOR 14+ years, CN + the “Universe” paved Julian Assange’s path to “living free,” of the Beast; AND, on Monday, June 24, 2024, before the cock crowed, in the morning, Julian Assange, w/his Defense Team, “Justice For Julian!!!” was outta HM Belmarsh Prison!!! Saved. Protected. Rescued!” ….. “Free As a Bird,” Mr. Fish. Chris Hedges’, “You Saved Julian Assange,” @ hxxps:// ….

    “Long live the pioneers. Rebels and mutineers. Go forth and have no fear. Come close and lend an ear.” “Livin’ like we’re renegades.” X Ambassadors

    “If, I had a million dollars. If, I had a million dollars. If, I had a million dollars. If I had a million d o l l a r s, I’d buy you love.” BareNaked Ladies; AND, when I get paid, “Coming $oon!” willfully, I am, paying it forward.

    ….. “You don’t pay love back; you pay it forward.”

    TY, CN, imo, “our” Lighthouse!!! “Keep It Lit!” TY.

    *WATCH: CN Live! ASSANGE APPEAL-The US-UK Deception, 7.6.23 @ hxxps://

  2. doris
    September 7, 2024 at 16:08

    Did what I could. Wish I could do more. Thanks for your tireless, amazing reporting!

  3. Thomas J.
    September 7, 2024 at 12:45

    In a Free Country, a person, and especially writers and journalists, are allowed to hold different ideas and support different positions than the ruling party and the government. That is what Freedom means.

    A country where there is an official truth, and where all other views are ‘misinformation’ that causes ‘division’ and ‘chaos’ is not a Free country. A Free democracy is a land of division and chaos. It can’t be anything else, and still be Free. The generals and bankers and control freaks hate democracy because it is ‘inefficient’. It is supposed to be inefficient, and full of division and chaos, as that is what freedom looks and sounds like.

    Let Freedom Ring!

  4. julia eden
    September 6, 2024 at 09:42

    i’m a subscriber, with most meagre mean$.
    i wish i could do more, in financial terms.

    wherever i go, i tell people how ill-informed
    i’d be if i relied solely on my country’s MSM,
    hoping to draw attention to and $upport for
    your relentless, courageous, invaluable work.

    please keep it up, for as long as it is needed,
    and for as long as it is possible, of course.
    thank you, sincerely!

  5. September 6, 2024 at 07:44

    Thank You CN

  6. Kawu A.
    September 5, 2024 at 14:25


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