WATCH: CN Live! — ‘Assessing the DNC’


CN Live! discussed the four-day Democratic National Convention with guests Margaret Kimberley and Niko House.

Over the last four days of the Democratic Party convention, the party and those attending continued to ignore Palestinian Americans and their protests. Inside the convention hall, Palestinian Americans were not allowed to give a speech while the family of an Israeli hostage did.

Outside the arena, attendees were seen physically covering their ears and mocking protesters who were broadcasting the names of Palestinian children killed in Gaza.

The moment embodied Orwell in his novel 1984:“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

On Gaza, Joe Biden argued in his speech that his administration is working for a ceasefire to end the war, ignoring the $20 billion and $3.5 billion dollar arms deals for Israel just approved by his administration.

It also ignored the fact that the party has essentially declared itself beholden to Israel in its 2024 platform, which states that “the Administration opposes any effort to unfairly single out and delegitimize Israel including at the United Nations or through the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.”

Rep. Alexandria Occasio Cortez and other speakers echoed similar nonsense about Biden-Harris working towards a ceasefire.

She also used reproductive health care as a major talking point while ignoring the many decades in which Democrats failed to codify Roe V Wade which would have protected abortion rights for good.

Biden made angry pronouncements like “UKRAINE IS STILL FREE” – never mind the hundreds of thousands of men thrown into the meat grinder of war.

Michelle Obama argued that Democrats ‘don’t have to cheat’ their way into winning, despite the fact that Kamala Harris has been selected as nominee without winning a single vote to get there.

We also still don’t have policy from Harris’ campaign, with less than three months until Election Day. Michelle Obama left out the 2016 Party rigging against Bernie Sanders that left the party open to defeat against Trump by unfairly nominating Hillary Clinton: events which triggered the DNC Fraud Lawsuit.

Reports from the convention described heavy security defending against pro-Palestinian protests.

Our guests to speak about the convention and Kamala Harris’s candidacy are Niko House, independent journalist and initiator of the 2016 DNC Fraud Lawsuit; and Margaret Kimberley, editor & senior columnist at the Black Agenda Report and author of the book Prejudential: Black America and the Presidents.

Hosts: Elizabeth Vos and Joe Lauria. Producer: Cathy Vogan.

13 comments for “WATCH: CN Live! — ‘Assessing the DNC’

  1. August 25, 2024 at 12:03

    A birthday party when no one knows whose birthday it is and lies about their age. Snooze fest and disgraceful that a a Palestinian whose speech chat was vetted yet denied their voice in the so called greatest ‘democracy on earth’ except for a sole a Palestinian voice .

  2. Robert Emmett
    August 24, 2024 at 13:51

    Wasn’t it Obama who used the ruse of vague hopeful open-ended language to create an impression of what he stood for without actually committing to it? Round & round. With a pitiful void of thoughtful ideas, not to mention gumption by the legacy parties, why not try Obama redux?

    W sort of had it right with his botched version of that saying: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. (He choked when he couldn’t articulate the “shame on me” part.) Looks like plenty of people can & will get fooled again to their shame.

    Thanks for pulling off the masks so we don’t get lost in this masquerade. Blows my mind how many people punch their tickets for this fiasco.

  3. TP Graf
    August 24, 2024 at 13:30

    Great conversation! I’m tempted to back through a second time just to log some super quotes by Margaret.

    • Megan
      August 26, 2024 at 00:01

      She was definitely the highlight. So sharp!

  4. Olde Reb
    August 24, 2024 at 12:53

    A Standing Army without a declaration of war by Congress was unconstitutional until 1947, and we have had perpetual war-mongering ever since. It was an objection in the Declaration of Independence in 1776 at clause 13. A DoW by King John [at the pressure of financiers in the City of London] led to a mutiny by the Barons and the Magna Carta.

  5. susan
    August 24, 2024 at 10:35

    What a complete obscene charade. AND, all of the brainwashed jug-heads coming out of the convention plugging their ears while a protester read the names of Palestinian children who have died in Gaza – simply deplorable!

    • August 25, 2024 at 12:11

      Such smart people here in comments …
      Im only fuddling along here like I’m revising for an exam

  6. August 24, 2024 at 09:44

    I agree that the Biden administration has no intention of actually achieving a cease-fire. But it should also be pointed out that the very use of the term “cease-fire” perpetuates the notion that what is happening in Palestine is a “war.” It is not a war. It is ethnic cleansing being carried on by an occupying power in an occupied territory. And Israel’s actions fulfill all the legal definitions of genocide. And that genocide is fully enabled and sponsored and given diplomatic cover by the Biden administration.

  7. WillD
    August 24, 2024 at 02:14

    I hear that it was an entirely fact and reality-free convention – that it was all make-believe.

    No truth was harmed in the process.

    • Valerie
      August 25, 2024 at 09:17

      It was a “Wild West Show”.

  8. A.G.
    August 23, 2024 at 18:29

    terrific work!

  9. Wind Walker
    August 23, 2024 at 11:01

    Assessing the DNC:

    Wars out the wazoo. Of course, this will consume the budget, so any domestic spending promises are a complete and total lie. The Democrats will never cut funding for the military, the spies, the police and the prisons. Since war means all of these areas must get more and more money, there won’t be anything else left and all the people will hear for their needs is litanies about ‘deficits’.

    And the keynote …. all it takes to get the Democrats to love war and genocide is to replace an old white man with a younger woman of color. Now all the Democrats are happy with their wars and genocides and a nation where the Top Cop rules the world largest prison population. All it took was to get rid of the white guy.

  10. Em
    August 23, 2024 at 10:07

    America has the same system of selective democracy as Israel has had since its founding.
    Only the select elect the agenda.

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