WATCH: Protests as Netanyahu Addresses Congress

Live-stream from the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday as Israeli Prime Minister addresses a joint session of Congress. 

Protest video courtesy of Ford Fischer at News2Share:

(ANSWER Coalition)


6 comments for “WATCH: Protests as Netanyahu Addresses Congress

  1. July 24, 2024 at 16:48

    A shameful day in the shameful history of the United States of America.

  2. July 24, 2024 at 16:12

    Memo to Netanyahu and all US genocide collaborators: GENOCIDE IS NOT KOSHER. Photo at the Houston office of Senator Death — er, John Cornyn: hxxps://

  3. Drew Hunkins
    July 24, 2024 at 12:49

    The absolute ONLY way to save Palestinian lives is to run a full throttle attack (non-violent activist attack) against Zionist power here in the United States!

    None of the brutality the creepy sadistic ultra-violent Zionists in Israel carry out daily could happen without the massive funding and armaments courtesy of the hardworking U.S. taxpayer.

    Moreover, if the greasy Wall Street Zionist campaign funding isn’t exposed — these parasites and predators fund 90% of Congressional campaigns — nothing will change and we could possibly see tens of thousands of young American men die in Lebanon and the deserts of Persia.

    Common cause must be made (“Red Brown alliance”) between activists and from all political stripes to coalesce around this single issue of pro-Israel domination of our mass media, culture, and political process.

    For further reading:

    “They Dare to Speak Out” by Paul Findley
    “Power of Israel in the U.S.” by James Petras
    “Zionism, Militarism and the Decline of U.S. Power” by James Petras
    “Host and the Parasite” by Greg Felton
    “Jewish History, Jewish Religion” by Israel Shahak
    “Against our Better Judgement” by Alison Weir
    “Being in Time” by Gilad Atzmon

    • Susan Siens
      July 24, 2024 at 16:07

      Superb, Drew! But when you live in a nation filled with people who would happily collaborate with a foreign invader — what else is that ethno-state in the middle east? — you do not have people with enough balls to organize and oppose zionism. And listening to Whitney Webb describe the camps they plan to set up if masses of people oppose the U.S.’s foreign wars … As Andre Vltchek said years ago, we have to be willing to die for what we believe in, and there are very few people with that level of courage. (And thanks once again for the reading list.)

      • Drew Hunkins
        July 25, 2024 at 00:12

        Thank you Ms. Siens.

        You make an intelligent comment here.

        You bring up the late Vltchek, he is definitely missed.

        Stay strong.

    • julia eden
      July 24, 2024 at 18:28


      thank you for your further sources of information!
      i’ll add ilan pappé’s ,lobbying for zionism on both sides of the atlantic’
      a compelling, in-depth study, very informative, very well written.

      it is far beyond mind-boggling – and so painful – to see and hear
      the extent to which advocates of settler colonialism are willing
      to distort facts, historical truths, and turn blind eyes and hearts
      to the misery they cause to millions and millions of people …

      i do hope – against many odds – the movement against them will grow.

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