JOE LAURIA: Why the US Let Assange Go


The Consortium News editor examines the cumulative factors that led to the United States releasing WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange from prison.

These are remarks given in a speech in Sydney, Australia on July 7. The text, with additional material, follows.

JOE LAURIA, Editor-in-Chief, Consortium News: I tell you, it hasn’t really sunk in yet. It’s hard to believe because for so long, most of us thought he would wind up for the rest of his life in an American dungeon and die there. 

And why did we think that? Because we saw so many irregularities in this case that judges in Britain let go. For example, the spying, the 24-7 spying directly through the C.I.A., the fact that the spying included on his privileged conversations with his lawyers, his doctors examining him. This was the government that was prosecuting him, the intelligence agency of that government was spying on the communications he was having with his lawyers.

Any other case that would have been thrown out immediately. And this wasn’t. The British courts kept accepting all of these irregularities, and you couldn’t help but think this was a political case completely from the very beginning.

For example, Judge Vanessa Baraitser in the lower court in the extradition case, September 2020, she ruled he should not be extradited for health reasons, but agreed with all the other arguments of the United States, who then won on appeal to reverse her decision.

She ruled that the First Amendment guarantees that were required by the European Convention on Human Rights, to which British extradition law is bound, that that would be settled in the U.S.

Had she asked the U.S. then for an assurance on the First Amendment and not gotten one — which happened just a few months ago — this case could have ended four years ago.  [See: Assange Wins Right to Appeal on 1st Amendment Issue]

[In April the High Court of England Wales set a deadline for the U.S. to give an assurance that Assange would be allowed a free speech defense at trial in the United States in accord with the European Convention on Human Rights, which forms the basis of British extradition law. The U.S. failed to produce such an assurance, leading ultimately to Assange’s freedom.]

But nonetheless, this is a victory. One of those rare victories that you don’t think you’re going to win. And this reminds me of a quote from I.F. Stone, an American independent journalist, starting in the 1940s and 50s, very famous. And he said, quote,

“The only kind of fights worth fighting are those you’re going to lose because somebody has to fight them and lose and lose and lose until someday somebody who believes as you do wins.”

And this is what happened. So this is a lesson about when the odds seem completely against us, but you keep speaking what you believe in, keep organizing against it, and you might just win.

And this was, of course, a deal that was in the works for at least nine months, the plea agreement. And I want to ask why?

Why did it happen? Why did it happen now, finally? Well, there’s a lot of reasons. Certainly pressure from world leaders like Obrador, the president of Mexico, spoke directly with Biden and Lula and other leaders, including, kicking and screaming come into this: [Australian Prime Minister] Anthony Albanese. He did not really want to say much about this. He kept putting it off.

[Foreign Minister] Penny Wong said, well, we can’t interfere in the judicial processes of foreign nations, even though Australia had done that at least three times to get back people from Iran and Egypt and Cambodia.

So it was total rubbish. And finally, Albanese, did bring it up with President Biden. [He says for the first time at the June 2022 NATO summit in Madrid.]

But I don’t think that was the deciding factor at all. There was also, of course, human rights groups, press freedom groups all over the world who eventually joined this fight. And of course, public pressure from activists like all of you here, this all worked together to bring this about.

But there was one decisive factor. And that was the United States realized around April 4th this year, just a couple months ago, that they were going to lose this appeal in the High Court in London. Now, how do we know this, that they were going to lose? Because The Washington Post reported that on April 4th, there was an email.

And the email I’m quoting from The Washington Post from last week: “‘The urgency here has now reached a critical point,’ the Justice Department trial attorney wrote, in an email reviewed by The Washington Post. ‘The case will head to appeal and we will lose.’”

Back to the DOJ in Washington. The urgency has reached a critical point. Quote, “the case will head to appeal and we will lose.”

April 4 was 12 days before the deadline given to the U.S. to produce the assurance guaranteeing free speech rights to Assange. 

That’s what the U.S. trial attorney told the Department of Justice on April 4th, because they knew they could not deliver the assurance about First Amendment protection for Assange [because of an earlier Supreme Court decision and because U.S. separation of powers does not allow the executive to make a such a decision], without which the British court could not extradite him. As I said, that could have been done four years ago by Baraitser. But it wasn’t. But this is what sprung him.

They could not satisfy that demand of the court. And that was exactly the reason why we learned from this Washington Post article that the British lawyers for the U.S., James Lewis QC, now KC, and Claire Dobbin, they actually said this from another email: “Without the First Amendment assurance, one trial attorney said in an email, the British lawyers representing the U.S. government concluded they would run into ‘an ethical obligation to drop the case’ because of ‘their duty of candor’ — they could no longer argue for extradition when a condition required by the court had not been met.”

They could no longer argue for extradition when a condition required by the court had not been met, the condition being the First Amendment assurance. So the British lawyers were going to quit. The British lawyers would not go forward and represent the U.S. government in this appeal. The United States was left with nothing to do but salvage something.

They did not drop the case. They moved on a plea agreement that had been lying there on the desk of an assistant attorney general in Washington, a deal that had been worked on for nine months. They moved on this at the last minute.

[Biden had said as vice president in December 2010 that the U.S. could not indict Assange without catching him stealing the documents. If he had passively received the documents as a journalist they could not indict him. The F.B.I. then cooked up a scheme to enter Iceland to try to frame Assange there, but the plot was uncovered and the F.B.I. was thrown out.

Obama-Biden then did not indict, the Trump administration did after WikiLeaks‘ C.I.A. releases. Biden was under pressure until the end no doubt from the C.I.A. and the DNC, after the DNC leaks, not to drop the case, even though Assange was not indicted for either leak. Only the prospect of losing the appeal led the Biden administration to give in to the pressure and conclude the deal.] 

And I want to add this. If he had been extradited to the United States, to the court in the Eastern District of Virginia, in Alexandria, Virginia, where I live, eight minute drive away from there — I am very glad I don’t have to make that drive to his trial — they would have lost in the U.S. because everything in the indictment is gone from this plea deal. There’s no longer a hacking allegation. There’s no longer talk about him endangering informants, which is all we heard in the extradition case from Lewis and the others ad nauseum that he put people in danger. It’s gone. It’s gone. The only thing he had to plead to was something he technically did do wrong.

As he said in court in Saipan, he honestly pled guilty to unauthorized possession or a conspiracy [with Chelsea Manning] to commit unauthorized possession and dissemination of defense information, which the Espionage Act, as it is now written, does make illegal. [See: Assange: I Broke the Law But the Law Is Wrong]

It’s not illegal only for government officials who sign non-disclosure agreements when they handle classified information, it applies to everyone. And this is the problem with the Espionage Act.

That part of it is clearly unconstitutional against the U.S. First Amendment. When you sign the NDA, you’re signing away your First Amendment rights. But a journalist, even an American one, a British one, an Australian one has not signed a non-disclosure agreement with the U.S. government.

They have every right to receive that information and publish it even though the law is written that way.

That’s [arresting a journalist for possession and dissemination] always been an option for U.S. governments. This was only the third time that a U.S. administration tried to indict the publisher of information. The first was FDR in 1942 against The Chicago Tribune. They published a story saying that the U.S. had broken the Japanese code in the Battle of Midway. The second time was Richard Nixon in ’72. He tried to go after The New York Times reporters for publishing the Pentagon Papers.

They couldn’t exercise prior restraint or censorship. They couldn’t stop The New York Times from publishing, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled. But once they did publish, the U.S. had the option of indicting a journalist.

And both times it collapsed: in Chicago with the Tribune the grand jury refused to indict, very likely because of the First Amendment. And in Boston, for the Pentagon Papers case, it was discovered that the F.B.I. had been tapping Dan Ellsberg’s phone and therefore also The New York Times reporters, because they were speaking to him on the phone. So the case collapsed. [The way C.I.A. spying on Assange in the embassy should have collapsed his case, but didn’t.]

This is the only time a journalist was successfully indicted, but they couldn’t go through with it because, again, the First Amendment stopped them. So what we need here is that that part of the Espionage Act be appealed, to go to the Supreme Court in the United States and to say to the judge that this is unconstitutional.

The Supreme Court in the U.S. is a constitutional court. It could decide this is unconstitutional and order the Congress to change the law. And right now, there are amendments put forward by Rashida Talib, a congresswoman from Michigan, who put forward amendments to the law that, among other things, would differentiate between journalists and those government officials who signed a non-disclosure agreement.

But it appears that’s not going to happen. One bad thing about the plea agreement is Julian agreed to waive his right to appeal. They got that from him in exchange for his freedom and his admission that he’d broken that technical clause. And by the way, in the court, he said, he thought the First Amendment protected him. So he was saying, yes, I broke the law, but the law is unconstitutional. 

That’s what he said. The law needs to be changed, but he cannot appeal. And it seems he also signed away any right to sue the U.S. government, because an option would be a civil lawsuit against the United States to say that he was wrongly brought to this plea agreement because the Espionage Act breaks the law. As it’s written, the Espionage Act is wrong, it is unconstitutional.

So he can’t do any of that. Funny enough, if you read the agreement, the judge in the court on the North Mariana Islands said the deal was that the U.S. government agreed if she didn’t accept the plea and dismissed it, that he would walk free and he wouldn’t have had any conviction, as he now has.

So she accepted the plea deal. He’s free and well, let’s just hope that he’s free and safe in Australia, because [Foreign Minister] Penny Wong gave this warning. Or was it just a bone thrown to the opposition, which was making a big deal that Albanese called Assange, the first person to call him? It’s pure politics.

Penny Wong said this: “We have laws in Australia in relation to national security information. We expect those laws to be observed by all citizens and by all entities. That’s our position.” Julian has to be careful.

A journalist here can be prosecuted for publishing information in Australia, as we saw almost in the case of Dan Oakes at the ABC.

The last thing I’m going to say is two men that I had great pleasure in knowing, who were on the board of Consortium News and who worked so hard for Julian to be free, unfortunately, we lost both of them last year. I just want to remember John Pilger and Dan Ellsberg. Thank you.

25 comments for “JOE LAURIA: Why the US Let Assange Go

  1. Piotr Berman
    July 15, 2024 at 07:58

    “But it appears that’s not going to happen. One bad thing about the plea agreement is Julian agreed to waive his right to appeal.”

    This is one of bizarre wrinkles of American justice system (perhaps applied much wider): the authorities are empowered to blackmail. Brutally. Basically, Assange waived the right to fair trial, and according to my dim recollection, similar plea deals were offered to American citizens too.

    Objectively, Atlanticist authorities needed a terrifying example to disobedient journalists, and “salutary effects” can be seen in “improve” compliance of the media. And they got it a while ago already, even driving the point that a journalist cannot get reprieve from a change of government to an ostensibly liberal one (in liberty terms). Prolonging the spectacle clearly yielded diminishing returns to USA, UK and Australia. OTOH, waiving the right to an appeal hurts Assange only if he want to engage in journalism without moving to a state that does not deport to USA. And no one should be surprised if he needs a few years to recover from the ordeal.

    • Andrew F
      July 15, 2024 at 09:59

      I don’t think he’ll need “a few years to recover”!!

      Go to the “Australian Assange Campaign” facebook and listen to the audio of him taking it up to the US Judge in Saipan.

      It was classic Assange! He sounds exactly the same as he did six years ago when we last heard him speak freely. Sharp as a tack and standing his ground on the spurious contradiction between constitutional freedom of the press and the US charges.

      Don’t believe this silly idea that he’s a ruined wreck.

      • Andrew F
        July 15, 2024 at 10:21

        Here’s the link to the audio of Julian in the US court in Saipan:


  2. Patrick Powers
    July 14, 2024 at 03:57

    The main point of a jury trial is to allow a public interest defense. The Espionage Act takes that away. So it’s unconstitutional right there. This is much broader than limiting public interest protection to journalists.

    I also question whether people should be “allowed” ie. coerced into signing away their “rights.” The whole idea of rights is that you can’t be pressured out of them.

  3. July 13, 2024 at 21:20

    Thanks for publishing the video of your speech; and especially the determined/dedicated quality of all of CN’s coverage of Julian Assange’s
    relentless persecution and illegal/criminal imprisonment by the faux “legal establishment” of the national governments of the USA and England, the willfull acquiesance of their “Five Eyes” conscripts (including Julian Assange’s own home country of Australia) and the shameful psycofancy of most corporate media and stables of stenographic “journalists”.
    For one, I am very much looking forward to Julian’s return to the fray, once he and his family has had whatever time they need to recover from this horrible period of serial abuse and wholly undeserved treatment of them all.
    As Usual,

    July 13, 2024 at 11:56

    It’s totally understandable, given what he endured, for him to accept the plea bargain. But surely his team had also come to the same conclusion as the DOJ per the email. Were they just not willing to risk testing their logic? Again, totally understandable.

      July 14, 2024 at 01:07

      That would have also meant months more in prison.

  5. Barbara Barnwell Mullin
    July 13, 2024 at 11:43

    Hard to have any respect for the law and justice in the USA and Great Britain after seeing the treatment of Julian Assange. Thank you Joe Lauria and Consortium News for standing up like this. Sorry for the rudeness of the noisy audience.

  6. Coleen Rowley
    July 13, 2024 at 10:36

    Exactly, Joe Lauria?! There is a huge legal problem for the U.S. Empire trying to prosecute any foreign news media thru extraterritorial extension of the 1917 Espionage Act’s provision that language-wise claims (but not legally if the issue ever finally goes up to the Supreme Court and that Court rules as it did in the Pentagon Papers case and should continue to rule if there is to be democracy in the U.S.) to extend to the PUBLICATION of classified defense docs (even though prosecuting news media would contravene the CONSTITUTION’s protection of freedom of the press). Idiot Pompeo would never of course have understood or even let a minor matter of the law stop him from his psychopathic desires to control public opinion thru censorship but some decent DOJ attorneys finally realized they were over the barrel.

    This precedential value of this case/issue is frankly much broader than just Wikileaks/Assange? and perhaps through all of Assange’s unbelievable sacrifice and suffering, something has actually been gained if more news media not only in the U.S. but especially around the world would recognize that the U.S. cannot have it both ways! The U.S.-NATO cannot try to apply extraterritorial jurisdiction to non citizen reporters/editors abroad but then deny those foreign news media the U.S.’ own constitional protections of freedom of speech and press.

  7. Em
    July 13, 2024 at 09:59

    Right up until the bitter end, the unscrupulous U.S. regime passed the buck to the judge in the court on the North Mariana Islands; making her their proxy to decide the final outcome, ruthlessly dumping the burden on her conscience alone!

  8. July 13, 2024 at 09:20

    Thank You Joe

  9. MeMyself
    July 13, 2024 at 08:58

    Criminal Law

    If a plea was entered under duress isn’t it considered void?

    Under law can a prosecutor or judge null or void a plea agreement once it is entered into the court and signed off on?

    Duress is a valid defense for any criminal act except Homicide under California Penal Code 187 PC.

    “they knew they could not deliver the assurance about First Amendment protection for Assange”

    No ability to defend yourself is a perfect example of Duress and being compelled to accept any terms not to forfeit your life to eternal imprisonment.

    PS Our legal system (SAD)

  10. Litchfield
    July 12, 2024 at 23:07

    I still don’t see how any life-saving deal made under torture and duress would hold up in any legitimate court of law.

    • nwwoods
      July 12, 2024 at 23:49

      Assuming a court of law within a justice system with integrity in the equation.

  11. Andrew F
    July 12, 2024 at 22:05

    It’s a great shame that Julian has disappeared.

    If he never speaks publicly again his persecutors will be ecstatic, they will have won.

    • Gordon Hastie
      July 13, 2024 at 00:41

      He surely needs plenty of time to recover from a very long and excruciating ordeal, and these days he has a family.

      • Jont23
        July 13, 2024 at 09:26

        Yes, I am sure we will be hearing from Julian and wikileaks in the future when he is ready.

      • Andrew F
        July 13, 2024 at 20:52

        Of course that’s up to Julian (and he has other children he will need to catch up with too), but the aim of the persecution was to silence him.

        If he is so damaged that he never speaks publicly again, then he isn’t really “free” and they have won.

        I believe he would be keen to deny them that pleasure!

  12. Elyse Gilbert
    July 12, 2024 at 19:41

    Thank you so very much for continuing to know and publish the inside story full of important details so that us long time Assange supporters can know the truth!

  13. Billy Field
    July 12, 2024 at 18:31

    Brilliant, Joe you have been staunchly carrying the torch for not only Julian but also in doing so for all of us. Keep up ALL your great work…John Pilger would be very proud of you and all at Consortium News. FOLKS DO ALL SHARE via emails to try & get more CN subscribers!

    • Jont23
      July 13, 2024 at 09:38

      Agreed. I first read about CN a few years ago when it was referenced in a column by Pilger. Joe Lauria and his team have done, and continue to do, great work. Keep it up!

  14. Stefan Moore
    July 12, 2024 at 18:13

    Great speech. Sorry I couldn’t be there

  15. Eddie S
    July 12, 2024 at 17:24

    Thank you for the explanation of what happened to bring about the release of Assange. I knew it wasn’t the U.S. Government suffering pangs of conscience and suddenly developing some misgivings, but I didn’t know exactly what happened….

    • OnGazing
      July 13, 2024 at 15:24

      “I didn’t know exactly what happened….”

      Omniscience of “exactitude” is never an option, and hence includes the juridical “oath” of “I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth” which renders all in contempt of court by all intoning the “oath” in advance of rendering “their interpretations”, the realisation of which undermines “the rule of law” by rendering it “the rule of men”.

  16. Linda Edwards
    July 12, 2024 at 16:47

    Thank you Joe Lauria and Consortium News for the great reporting on the Julian Assange case.

    I have relied on and trusted your information.

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