WATCH: Revisiting the Assange Case

A panel of journalists who covered the Assange case discuss the twists and turns in the drama leading to his release on Monday, with host Richard Medhurst. 

British journalist Richard Medhurst invited Taylor Hudak of acTVism Munich, Mohamed Elmaazi of Defence Truth, Kevin Gosztola of The Dissenter, independent journalist Tareq Haddad of Improve the News, plus Cathy Vogan and Joe Lauria of Consortium News to discuss the myriad complex issues of the Assange saga. 

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3 comments for “WATCH: Revisiting the Assange Case

  1. Neil MacLeod
    June 29, 2024 at 16:42

    The guiding principle of ruling elites was, and still is: when change threatens to rule, then rules are changed. — Michael Parenti

  2. julia eden
    June 29, 2024 at 13:51

    my thanks to all of you for this instructive review and
    for all your work that contributed to julian assange’s release.

    let’s now hope that at least some MSM take this as a wake-up call
    to do much better than they did before, instructing the general public
    instead of obstructing justice, peace and freedom for all – not just
    for the reckless, careless, super-selfish o.1 percent …

  3. Andrew F
    June 29, 2024 at 04:34

    Assange will not be free until he has his voice back and is again able to speak directly.

    He was able to speak with Albanese – who was part of the Gillard government that persecuted Assange in the first place – he is able to make at least a short video for all the millions of supporters around the world who have spent countless hours and dollars over the last 14 years tirelessly campaigning, protesting, postering, lobbying politicians and so much more to fight for his freedom.

    All of that effort was for nothing if Julian still has no direct public voice.

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