14 comments for “This Is Not a Dream

  1. July 1, 2024 at 23:02

    “So, shines a good deed…
    In a weary world..”

    -Gene Wilder

  2. Arch Stanton
    July 1, 2024 at 19:11

    Thank you Consortium News for doing us all a great service in your non-stop support of this great man.

  3. vinnieoh
    July 1, 2024 at 11:41

    May he live free, and they happily, until the end of their days. And yes, it will be good to have his voice back in the chorus.

    Those on that list of names at the right side of this CN page deserve much credit for this outcome.

  4. CaseyG
    July 1, 2024 at 10:11

    There is at least ONE truth teller on this planet. THANK YOU Julian Assange.

  5. LeoSun
    June 30, 2024 at 19:39

    “Spirit is something that no one destroys;” AND, Cathy Vogan’s “Collage,” This is not a Dream, reflects that “spirit.”

    ………. i.e., *“You take two bodies, you twirl them into one. Their hearts & their bones And they won’t come undone. Hearts & Bones.” (Paul Simon).

    “All hail, the underdogs. It’s our time to make a move. It’s our time to make amends. It’s our time to break the rules. Let’s begin, Livin’ Like Renegades.”…. “Shout Out,” to The Bravery of Julian & Stella Assange.

    ………. “We can turn this ship around. Together, we can make tomorrow’s “NEWS.” Roger Waters

    TY, Cathy Vogan, CN, et al. Onward & Upwards!!! Ciao.

  6. Adam Barber
    June 30, 2024 at 12:13

    Thank you Consortium News for your hard work on the Assange case. You have empowered so many people with the knowledge of how this cruel world works.

  7. André Brochu
    June 30, 2024 at 05:10

    One can only wish Julian Assange the very best after all his suffering due to his civil courage and though a foreign national his
    defense of the US Constitution. Some say the plea bargaining on his behalf is a defeat for freedom of expression and
    unshackled journalism. I reject that argument. Julian Assange went all the way and paid a heavy price. I bet in a year or two
    Assange will be back in the fight in some capacity. Meanwhile the armchair judicial purists can take a hike or reflect on their
    obligation to join in the continued struggle for freedom of expression and unshackled journalism.
    Assange now deserves the best of medical care and the right to be surrounded by family and the inner circle.
    The hero is home and I trust he will become a regular contributor to John Menadue’s Newsletter, Pearls and Irritations.
    The kangaroos are hopping and the wombats are on the move.

    • LeoSun
      July 1, 2024 at 12:11

      HEAR! HEAR! “L O N G LIVE,” Consortium News!!!

      ……… “When you know his friends, you know who he is.” Senegalese proverb

      On behalf, of “plant, animal & human life,” THANK YOU, gentlemen, André Brochu & Adam Barber. Imo, you oughta be published, on the Front Page, of every newspaper, on the planet. You’re Spot-On!!! Adam’s “Shout Out” to CN for advising, everyone, *“Don’t Get Played;” AND, “how this cruel world works;” AND, André, reminds, everyone, “how this cruel world [OUGHTA] work!!!” TY, Gentlemen.

      Keep It Lit! TY. Ciao.

      * Don’t Get Played.” 5.12.24, CN @ hxxps://consortiumnews.com/2024/05/12/dont-be-played/

  8. DiamondDick
    June 30, 2024 at 04:03

    Who else has suffered as much as this man in this 21st century for the cause of freedom and transparency? Ask yourself why he has finally been released. The vast majority of people in the world have been on his side but were kept unaware of his battle through the state controlled media organisations.
    I suspect they are finally coming to the realisation that many of us, those who have time to reflect and think, are gathering our own alternative channels of communication which are a danger to established forms of control.
    They have been forced to admit they were wrong, simply to regain the confidence of those who are beginning to see through the lies. The never ending headlines of fear, distracting us from making progress on our own. We were being divided in any possible manner, always with this intention of keeping us apart.
    I believe we can create our own groups of independence, making central control redundant. We ignore them as our own personal methods of life do not rely on their systems. Slow down the central control. Make demands on them, turn the game around, at the same time supporting ALL alternatives which lead to decentralised control.
    Barter. Exchange. Make new contacts. Keep the machine spinning so that it loses control and people regain their own lives.
    I’m doing that via consortiumnews, I will continue to search for other channels which give PEOPLE the freedom to express themselves.
    Try to remain positive and make the way FUN.
    LAUGH, at the lies and CONTINUALLY make new friends, OUTSIDE the rigid systems of corporate control.
    SHOW others what works!
    202406 30 08:02
    Diamond Dick

  9. Kawu
    June 30, 2024 at 01:06

    What is freedom if Assange is not free? He’s our lion and may God bring an end to the Empire!

  10. June 29, 2024 at 16:58

    I am happy for Julian Assange. There came an end to his suffering and Julian still can actively “fight” for freedom of the word and thought. I hope Julian can inspire other journalists to unveil secrets, misbehaviors, acts of terror and crimes of war. Let’s all be truthful with courage.

  11. Roger Batchelder
    June 29, 2024 at 12:07

    The media kept him behind bars. The whole capitalist SYSTEM did it! It’s got to GO!
    Search Einstein ‘s “Why Socialism” . 8 pgs.

  12. Valerie
    June 29, 2024 at 09:34

    Beautiful collage. Thankyou Cathy. I’m in tears again.

    • Richard Mynick
      June 29, 2024 at 15:09

      Me too.

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