Chris Hedges on Consortium News


One of the leading journalists’ of our age praises its “independence” and “courage”.

“I‘m a strong supporter of their work. They have done some of the most groundbreaking and consistent work on the persecution of Julian Assange … the most important case in terms of press freedom. They are not owned or bound by the strictures of corporate advertising, which is increasingly not true, even for left-wing sites. It’s free, its independent, it’s courageous and I can’t think of many sites that I admire more than Consortium News and urge you strongly to support it. “

We are gearing up to cover Assange’s July 9-10 appeal from inside the courtroom in London as our 2024 Spring Fund Drive comes to a close. So please make a generous donation today to help Consortium News continue into its 30th year!

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Spring Fund Drive!

Chris Hedges speaking at an Occupy D.C. event in 2012. (Justin Norman, Flickr, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

3 comments for “Chris Hedges on Consortium News

  1. Eddie S
    June 19, 2024 at 20:42

    CN does an excellent job of covering international news, from Bob Parry’s healthy skepticism about the reasons/‘evidence’ we ‘had’ to invade Iraq, to Joe Lauria’s excellent backgrounders on the U.S.’ current involvement in the wars in Ukraine and Gaza. After 2003, I’ve ignored the MSM’s reporting on international issues — since it’s more biased than a high school cheerleader’s reporting on her team’s abilities —- and rely on CN and a couple of other independent news sites. I just don’t have the time nor inclination to get a comic book version of important world events.

  2. Ed and Rose Hiley
    June 19, 2024 at 20:24

    We are subscribers and long time supporters of Consortium News. We are enraged at the immediate censorship being practiced by the US, “land of free speech”!! It reaches across “MSM, and many social media sites, including Facebook, where a Consortium News article I posted yesterday was taken down within seconds and I was threatened, (again). Even though public media such as NPR love to promote themselves with the claim of “news you can trust” we have noticed that many daily ‘news’ broadcasts follow the same narratives of all MSM. What an enraging state of affairs!! Thanks for all you do at Consortium News, and other sites who carry truth tellers like Scott Ritter, Chris Hedges, Patrick Lawrence, and many others.

  3. LeoSun
    June 19, 2024 at 14:15

    *”The traditional rule of thumb has been that it’s the government’s job to hide the secrets and a reporter’s job to uncover them.” ROBERT PARRY

    ……Exhibit A-Z: “Consortium News” dot com., CN’s investigative journalists’ journalism, photography & art, “paints the times,” present & past. Consortium News, indeed, exemplifies passion & a commitment, to do the right thing, “Rescue the one, in most need,” JULIAN ASSANGE. He’s INNOCENT!!!

    ….. “Kudos to JOE LAURIA for keeping the ROBERT PARRY journalism tradition herein alit with smooth vigor.” Thom Williams aka EA 5.21.24

    No doubt, Chris Hedges is 100% correct!!! CN’s “coverage,” 2010-Present, of Julian Assange’s case (Julian Assange’s life) is exemplary. “NOTHING” compares to CN’s investigative reporting, the “live-streaming,” the numerous deep-dives, hundreds of wholesome conversations w/top f/notch, intelligent, intellectual, humane, beings w/heart & bones!!! From all around the world! AND, Everybody, knows, Julian Assange is innocent! Julian Assange IS “under the gun,” 24/7, for fourteen (14)+ years per the dirty, grubby, bloody, f.u.b.a.r., Beast,” AUKUS. Awhhh-KUS, * “So. So you think you can tell, heaven from hell? Blue skies from pain? Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail? A smile from a veil? Do you think you can tell?” ……. “Cold comfort for change? And, did you exchange, a walk on part in the war, for a lead role in a cage? Ohhhhh, how I wish you were here.” Roger Waters

    Imo, “The Beast” is f.u.b.a.r. Regardless, Julian Assange WON the Right to APPEAL on 1st Amendment Issue!!!” 5.20.24 . Onward & Upwards, “You know his friends, you know him;”

    …….“We must never lose sight of our beliefs and principles. And this little victory,against the evil-doers shows there is a way if we keep on pushing and we are many. Little drops of water make a mighty ocean. FREE THE INNOCENT,” Valerie 5.20.24

    No doubt, Roger Waters’, “Wish you were here,” refrain, “running over the same old ground. Year after year. What have we found? The same old fear? AND, Ohhhhh, How I wish, How I wish you were here,” rings loud & clear!

    ……. “We’re just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl. Year after Year, running over the same old ground. What have we found? The same old fear. AND, I Wish You Were Here. How I Wish You Were Here, Brother.” ROGER WATERS

    Thank You, CN, for keeping us grounded. For being “our” LIGHTHOUSE, i.e., “Steadfast, serene, immovable, the same, Year after Year, through all the silent nights, burns on forevermore that quenchless flame, shines on that inextinguishable light!”

    ………….. “Working in London,” Save the Dates: July 9-10, 2024. “We will be inside the courtroom and outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London for both days of the hearing, bringing you the latest news, analysis and commentary.” JOE LAURIA, CN

    TY, CN. “Keep It Lit!!!” Ciao


    * Robert Parry “GOT” the Assange Story, RIGHT!!! hxxps:// ……..

    * Julian Assange WINS Right To Appeal,” hxxps://

    * “Wish You Were Here.” Rogers Waters, Acoustic, 2022 hxxps:// …….

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