A World With Only the MSM


That’s what would happen if the Establishment succeeded in destroying independent media like Consortium News.

Washington power. (Joe Lauria)

Make no mistake about it. The Western Establishments’ grip on power is being uncomfortably challenged by growing independent voices in politics, social media and web-based publications, like Consortium News

Tyrannical rulers find democracy a nuisance: populations have to be manipulated, laws bent and elections subverted to keep a political class in power that holds its own people in contempt while funding Israel’s genocide and risking nuclear war over Ukraine.

They can only get away with it if the majority follow the mainstream media only, remaining unaware that their leaders are not spreading “democracy,” but rather death and destruction to enrich and empower themselves at the expense of people everywhere. 

They will shut down free speech to keep the killing machines going and the cash registers ringing.  One of their biggest threats is the awakening brought about by independent media, like Consortium News. 

Imagine a world without it. 

Please contribute today to our Spring Fund Drive so we don’t take for granted an invaluable source of news and analysis and be left with the mainstream. 

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10 comments for “A World With Only the MSM

  1. Whisker Dawg
    May 28, 2024 at 23:09

    Uh, No.

    You can always turn them off. You can always sit under a tree and listen to the birds. You can always sit and watch the wind. They want you to believe that they, the MSM, the corporate media, are indispensable to your lives. That you can’t live without them. That’s their first Big Lie. If you believe that first lie, then they got you. But, you can break that spell, by simply dis-believing. Poof, their power over you is gone.

    But, please donate. I have.
    And turn off the MSM. Very little of what they ‘broadcast’ is really vital information that you need. Off, a simple answer, that works.

  2. WillD
    May 27, 2024 at 23:03

    A World With Only the MSM means a world without truth, facts, reason. empathy and compassion. Or in one word ‘soulless’.

  3. John Z
    May 27, 2024 at 14:58

    I love CN and would like to contribute, but I am on a fixed income and cannot get whoever fixed it to come back and do the repairs necessary to make it work.

    • Graeme Pedersen
      May 28, 2024 at 21:47

      I would like to donate to Consortium news as I believe it offered a fellow Kiwi journalist a job when our own MSM fired him for reporting the truth about Ukraine, & nuland / biden’s joint efforts to stigmatize Russia/putin.
      But I am receiving a pension, after paying in, for 58 years. It does not keep up & it is fast becoming impossible to live on.

  4. Randal Marlin
    May 27, 2024 at 10:56

    I think Caitlin Johnstone, often published here, has it right when she emphasizes the narratives used by the MSM that control minds.
    Goebbels held that the narratives had to be simple and repeated in endless variations. Today it is “Putin is Russia and Russia is bad. Russia is out for world conquest. Like Hitler. Must be stopped. Only NATO can do this. Military spending by NATO members must be increased.” Similarly regarding China and Ira, depending on the news of the day.
    Unfortunately, the truth is not simple, and narratives corresponding to historical reality, as distinct from convenient myths, are hard to communicate. The truth is that viewed over a longer period of time than February, 2022, NATO has been the aggressor, starting at least as far back as its bombing of Belgrade. Then there was the U.S coup in 2014, where a legitimate popular revolt against Putin’s influence against Ukraine’s move towards the EU was hijacked by the U.S. (“F…. the EU,”as Victoria Nuland said) and “Yats, ” a fanatical anti-Russian was installed, who aimed immediately to repudiate the Ukraine-Russia lease agreement where Russia’s fleet, based in Sevastopol, Crimea (then part of Ukraine). For all his evil faults, Putin is no fool and could see what was coming, so he quickly sent an army to occupy Crimea and protect its base in Sevastopol. At the time there was no controversy about the majority of Crimeans favouring Russia.
    You can’t get this truth across in the MSM. Writing letters with a space limitation of 150 words doesn’t work, and you will appear to be a crank.
    It appears to me that the old, discredited PNAC crowd ((Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, etc.) still dominates U.S. foreign policy unwilling to accept the sharing of world power against other rising empires. I would suppose one reason for their continued influence is money for U.S. supplied armaments, supplied by factories in many different U.S. states. Where there is money, politics is not far behind. NATO is dominated by the U.S., and getting NATO members to increase military spending, in the name of defence, is a win for the U.S. in arms sales. No doubt the U.S. is also figuring on the total populations of NATO members, and what a power such a unified body would be. But some sensible NATO members could well argue that extending the Ukraine war deep into Russia would be an act of aggression, and would choose to invoke Article 7 of the NATO treaty to offset Article 5.
    Anyway, thanks for CN for supplying a medium where truth stands a chance.

  5. Graeme
    May 27, 2024 at 02:29

    With the UK election campaign underway, try posting in under any political article in the UK Guardian anything about Kier Starmer’s role in the persecution and prolonged imprisonment of Julian Assange, or the anti-semitic beatup regarding Jeremy Corbyn.
    Instant censorship.
    Even though one references forensic legal investigation (Nils Melzer) &/or thorough investigative journalism (eg Declassified UK, alJazeera).

    Anything subject to provoke those who post under the line is criticism of neo-liberal economics, especially the fallacy that a government budget equates to the penny-pinching as a family budgets around the kitchen table.

    So much good, sensible and intelligent commentary and news in independent media; the only reason to read MSM is to see what bullshit is being shoveled down the throat of the masses.

  6. Tim
    May 26, 2024 at 22:37

    Thanks for sharing!

    May 26, 2024 at 14:17

    I don’t think our country or civilization is going to overcome the rise of Fascism and Racism plus the ignoring of Climate Change.

    • John Z
      May 27, 2024 at 14:56

      If this is civilization, I must have taken the wrong bus. Like the Hotel California, though, I fear that I may check out any time I want, but never leave. Trapped in the lowest level of Dante’s Inferno, where nothing is allowed to move or change.

  8. Michael McNulty
    May 26, 2024 at 11:17

    In its hatred of all things Russia our MSM is getting as bad as the Nazi media of the ’30s and ’40s and sometimes it can be worse. At least Goebbels with his Ph.D. in psychology and German history (his proper title was Herr Dokteur Dokteur) understood that to be believable propaganda has to have some element of truth to it, but our news can be so rabid it doesn’t seem to matter to it if sometimes all truth is discarded and sometimes it just isn’t believable at all. It seems now it’s the words used that are important, not that they be believed.

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