Spring Fund Drive — Show Your Support

Consortium News today launches its 2024 Spring Fund Drive to continue our coverage of Gaza, Julian Assange, Ukraine, the Middle East and much more. To keep going we depend on your generous support. 

Since its founding in 1995, Consortium News has been a special source of news and analysis out of Washington about the world’s most crucial issues. CN has been in the forefront  of exposing the lies of WMD in Iraq, the fables of Russiagate, the causes of the Ukraine war and the politicized case against Julian Assange.

We’ve done it only through the incredibly generous support of our readers and viewers who see through the partisan morass. Next year we’ll enter into our 25th year of continuous publication.  Help us to continue to breaking through the official distortions and delusions. 

Please Donate to the
Spring Fund Drive!