The mass food drive for Gaza was also a campaign to contest the growth of Christian Zionism in the country and deepen ties with the Palestinian struggle.

Artwork by Vienno. (Tricontinental Institute for Social Research)
By Vijay Prashad
Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research
Brazilian landless workers, who live on settlements and encampments of the Landless Workers’ Movement (MST), gathered roughly 13 tonnes of food to send to Palestinians in Gaza between October and December 2023.
MST cooperatives across the country participated in the solidarity campaign, which included milk from Cooperoeste in Santa Catarina; rice from Terra Livre Cooperative, the Cooperative of Settled Workers of the Porto Alegre Region (Cootap) and Cooperav in Rio Grande do Sul and corn flour from Terra Conquistada in Ceará.
The aid was sent to the Palestinian Agricultural Workers’ Union through the Brazilian Air Force. “The Palestinian people, like all the peoples fighting for their sovereignty, need the solidarity actions of other peoples,” said Jane Cabral of the MST national leadership. Indeed, the world must follow the example of Brazil’s landless workers.
Collecting food has only been one aspect of the MST’s solidarity action with the Palestinian people. The other equally important aspect has been about building a consensus in Brazil regarding Israel’s genocide in Gaza.
Over the past several decades, the right-wing evangelical movement in Latin America has promoted a pro-Israeli political agenda in Brazil and elsewhere.
This movement defends Israel in the hope that it will destroy the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem and build the “Third Temple.”
Under this view, the temple will open the door to the return of Christ, and all non-Christians, including Jews, will be subjected to eternal damnation. Evangelical pastors in Latin America — many of them funded by U.S.-based Christian Zionist groups such as Christians United for Israel — have spread this deeply hateful, anti-human view.
This is an important reason why right-wing leaders in the region, including former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and current Argentinian President Javier Milei, are staunch defenders of Israel and the Zionist project.
As such, the MST’s mass drive to collect food for Gaza was also a campaign to contest the growth of Christian Zionism in Brazil, advocate for the rights of the Palestinian people and deepen education about and ties with the Palestinian struggle amongst its base.

Artwork by Judy Duarte. (Tricontinental Institute for Social Research)
[Artwork by Judy Duarte.]
The MST, with its nearly 2 million members, is the largest socio-political movement in Latin America and one of the largest peasant movements in the world.
Since it was born 40 years ago, in 1984, the MST has grown steadily because of its unique approach to building and maintaining its base among landless workers.
Tricontinental’s latest dossier, “The Political Organisation of Brazil’s Landless Workers’ Movement (MST),” examines the theoretical orientation that has enabled the MST to build this remarkable organisation on the terrain of Brazil’s wretched social hierarchies, which are rooted in the legacy of Portuguese colonialism, genocide, slavery, and U.S.-backed military dictatorships.

Tweet by João Pedro Stedile, one of MST’s founders : “I recommend the newest dossier from Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research about the MST’s organising experience, launched during this International Week of Peasant Struggle.”
The art for the dossier, which is also featured in this article, was created for the “Forty Years of the MST” call for art organised by the MST, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research, ALBA Movements and the International Peoples’ Assembly. The second monthly bulletin from Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research’s art department will focus on that exhibition; you can subscribe to it here.
The MST has three goals: to fight for land, to fight for agrarian reform and to transform society. Based on Brazil’s 1988 Constitution, the MST organises landless workers to seize unproductive land and build settlements (assentamentos) and squatters’ encampments (acampamentos).
At present, nearly half a million families live on such settlements and have gained legal tenure of the land, where they have built 1,900 peasant associations, 185 cooperatives and 120 MST-owned agro-industrial sites, with an additional 65,000 families living on encampments and fighting for legal recognition.
It is these institutions that produce the goods sent to Palestine. Despite the unequal balance of forces in Brazil, where the capitalist class enforces its rule over the economy and the countryside through domination of the state, the MST has been able to build its strength over the years and currently operates in 24 of the country’s 26 states. This strength is a product of the MST’s mass base and its organisational methods.
As the dossier explains, a crucial aspect of the MST’s organisational theory is the idea that the assentados, the residents of the agrarian reform settlements, must always be in motion.
There are seven organisational principles that allow the MST to drive this motion: its autonomy in relation to political parties, churches, governments and other institutions, for which organisational unity is essential; the training of organisers both to participate in building the organisation and to be disciplined with respect to the decisions of the collective leadership; the importance of study; and the necessity of internationalism.
The MST does not only fight for land; it also seeks to enact agrarian reform and transform society. In other words, it seeks to change the very nature of agrarian capitalism and construct a model of agroecology that develops a balanced and sustainable form of agriculture — one that harnesses nature rather than degrades it and produces healthy food for society at large.

Artwork by Duda Oliva. (Tricontinental Institute for Social Research)
[Artwork by Duda Oliva.]
There are now over 2.4 billion people in the world who are food insecure. More and more famines are breaking out, from Sudan to Palestine, often related to conflicts of different kinds. Meanwhile, we are in the midst of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming, which began in 2019 and will close in 2028.
The U.N.’s Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) calculates that family or small farmers produce a third of the world’s food and up to 80 percent of the food in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Yet these small and family farmers do not control the land that they till, nor do they have the capital to increase their productivity.
As a consequence, many small farmers produce food for the market but not enough to feed their families, leading to an epidemic of hunger amongst millions of small farmers and peasants.
As the FAO notes, “The majority of the 600 million farms in the world are small. Farms of less than one hectare account for 70% of all farms but operate only 7% of all agricultural land.”
This great inequality in land ownership is at the heart of the work of the MST, as well as organisations around the world such as Mviwata in Tanzania (about whom Tricontinetal will be publishing a dossier later this year) and the All India Kisan Sabha in India (written about in the June 2021 dossier, “The Farmers’ Revolt in India.”)
It is for good reason that the 16 million-member Kisan Sabha, for instance, joined the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against apartheid Israel in 2017 and why Mviwata, which represents 300,000 peasants, condemned Israel’s genocide of Palestinians at its annual meeting in December 2023.
These farmers and peasants know that their task is not only to redistribute land, but to transform society across the world.

Artwork by Natália Gregorini. (Tricontinental Institute for Social Research)
[Artwork by Natália Gregorini.]
In 1968, Thiago de Mello (1926–2022), born in Brazil’s Amazonas, was sent into exile for his criticism of the military dictatorship. He went to Chile, where he befriended Pablo Neruda.
Before long, de Mello was again forced to flee a military dictatorship, chased out of Chile because of the 1973 coup against the socialist project led by then President Salvador Allende.
De Mello first went to Argentina and then to Europe. It was during this flight, in 1975, that he wrote his classic poem Para os que virão (“For Those to Come”), the last few lines about the hurt that must be overcome by people who come to fight for social transformation:
It doesn’t matter if it hurts: it’s time
to move forward hand in hand
with those walking in the same direction,
even if it’s a long way off
from learning how to conjugate
the verb to love.
Above all, it’s time
to stop being just
the solitary vanguard
of ourselves.
It’s about meeting.
(The clear truth of our mistakes burns limpid and hard in our chests)
It’s about opening the way.
Those who will come will be the people,
and they will know themselves by fighting.
Vijay Prashad is an Indian historian, editor and journalist. He is a writing fellow and chief correspondent at Globetrotter. He is an editor of LeftWord Books and the director of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. He is a senior non-resident fellow at Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China. He has written more than 20 books, including The Darker Nations and The Poorer Nations. His latest books are Struggle Makes Us Human: Learning from Movements for Socialism and, with Noam Chomsky, The Withdrawal: Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and the Fragility of U.S. Power.
This article is from Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research.
Views expressed in this article may or may not reflect those of Consortium News.
Ah yes, those good old right-wing evangelical, fundamentalist Christians. According to their “Great Commission” (Matthew 28:18-20) they are supposed to go everywhere and be everywhere, so that they can spread their message so that people can hear it and come to “accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior” and thus be “saved” from eternal damnation.
The God they believe in is a cruel God, sending non-Christians to eternal damnation. Thus it is not surprising that they would have no trouble supporting the cruel apartheid state of Israel. As Thomas Paine said, belief in a cruel God makes a cruel man (or cruel woman, or cruel person).
I was exposed to this thinking when I was briefly involved with the fundamentalist organization Campus Crusade for Christ when I was a college student in the early 1970’s. At the time I thought they were good people for me to be involved with; since they were about Christianity and Jesus Christ they supposedly had to be good people.
However I soon found I had very serious problems with things they believed, preached, taught, and advocated doing, such as described above. It was through them that I was exposed to Hal Lindsey and his Late, Great Planet Earth, and this business about the supposed “Rapture”. He was a quintessential Christian Zionist and an adherent of that school of biblical interpretation known as dispensationalism.
I came to realize that such thinking appealed to baser, rather than nobler, desires and aspirations. I.e. be one of those “in the know” about how God’s plan is going to work out, and be one of those who are going to be “raptured” away while the rest of the world, those who are “unsaved”, will go through the “Great Tribulation”.
This holds true to the idea that in order to defeat an unjust system, the replacement must be constructed outside of that system. What a beautiful system MST is building. Thank you Vijay.
Dear wonderful Vijay keeps our hopes alive for transformation of the world by the real people, not the “leaders” we pretend are democratically elected to serve the people.