WATCH: CN Interviews George Galloway on Election Eve
CN Live!‘s Cathy Vogan spoke with George Galloway at his campaign headquarters in Rochdale, the Northern English town where he hopes to be elected to Parliament for a seventh time in a by-election on Thursday.
Brilliant work Cathy Vogan & George Galloway Hooray! Thankyou!
Carolyn L Zaremba
February 29, 2024 at 22:40
Yes, well done. Good luck, George! Where can I get one of those great coffee mugs?
Sharon Aldrich
February 29, 2024 at 13:40
Listening to George was extremely enlightening and hopeful!!! Where is our person here in the U.S? The “lesser of two evils” is still EVIL!!! Good for you, George! Thank you for your courage! Come on Courageous voters!
“Lesser of two evils” is the motto here in the USA too! The two choices we have here are both evil incarnate. We need some real choices like George Galloway and working class politics here in our country. Good luck George!!
Now, if we only had a George Galloway in Canada!
Talk about the lesser of two evils (maybe 3) in our next Federal Election. Glen Hedley
February 29, 2024 at 15:23
susan, it will always be the ‘lesser of two evils’ until the US electorate demand a better choice of President or Parties.
To a far-away observer like me, it seems very clear that your nation is really run by a triumvirate of i) the CIA, ii) the State Department, and iii) the Pentagon.
This trio want to bend the entire world to its own preferences, and brooks no opinion save its own.
Do you realise that many people around the world call your nation’The United States of Perpetual War’ ? Your tax-dollars fund distant wars but not so much your civil society.
I love the US people. I’ve never met an ordinary American I didn’t like, but you all too readily accept mediocrity and sleaze in the White House, and the major Washington ‘pillars’ of US society.
I hope George wins the by-election in Rochdale.
My very best wishes to you.
Come on George
Brilliant work Cathy Vogan & George Galloway Hooray! Thankyou!
Yes, well done. Good luck, George! Where can I get one of those great coffee mugs?
Listening to George was extremely enlightening and hopeful!!! Where is our person here in the U.S? The “lesser of two evils” is still EVIL!!! Good for you, George! Thank you for your courage! Come on Courageous voters!
Amen, Susan!
“Lesser of two evils” is the motto here in the USA too! The two choices we have here are both evil incarnate. We need some real choices like George Galloway and working class politics here in our country. Good luck George!!
Now, if we only had a George Galloway in Canada!
Talk about the lesser of two evils (maybe 3) in our next Federal Election. Glen Hedley
susan, it will always be the ‘lesser of two evils’ until the US electorate demand a better choice of President or Parties.
To a far-away observer like me, it seems very clear that your nation is really run by a triumvirate of i) the CIA, ii) the State Department, and iii) the Pentagon.
This trio want to bend the entire world to its own preferences, and brooks no opinion save its own.
Do you realise that many people around the world call your nation’The United States of Perpetual War’ ? Your tax-dollars fund distant wars but not so much your civil society.
I love the US people. I’ve never met an ordinary American I didn’t like, but you all too readily accept mediocrity and sleaze in the White House, and the major Washington ‘pillars’ of US society.
I hope George wins the by-election in Rochdale.
My very best wishes to you.
Absolutely agree.