The ICJ ruled that Israel’s military shall not commit acts forbidden by Article 2 of Genocide Convention but stopped short of ordering Israel to cease its military operation in Gaza.
By Joe Lauria
Special to Consortium News
The World Court ruled on Friday that the Israeli military must ensure that it is not committing acts in Gaza that are in violation of Article 2 of the Genocide Convention; Israel must pursue legal action against Israelis who made statements of genocidal intent; it must facilitate humanitarian aid into Gaza and Israel must report back to the Court on measures it is taking to fulfill these orders in one month.
The Court ordered that:
“The State of Israel shall, in accordance with its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, in relation to Palestinians in Gaza, take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of Article II of this Convention, in particular: (a) killing members of the group. …”
The Court’s actions amount to little more than what the United States has been saying publicly about Israel’s conduct, that it must not commit acts that amount to war crimes. The U.S. has not gone as far as to tell Israel not to commit genocide but the Court’s action falls far short of what South Africa and much of the world has been demanding.
The Court said South Africa has a plausible claim in at least some instances in its request for provisional measures to stop what it argues is Israel’s ongoing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. But the provisional measures South Africa requested — namely to stop the killing — were denied.
The Court established that there was a dispute against Israel and South Africa to give the Court jurisdiction. The Court also presented a litany of overwhelming evidence that Israel is plausibly committing genocide and that the Court would allow the case the go forward, namely putting Israel on trial for genocide. That will take years to adjudicate.

Judge Joan Donoghue of the U.S., president of the ICJ, reading the Court’s ruling on Friday. (U.N. TV Screenshot)
Naledi Pandor, South Africa’s foreign minister, tried to put a positive spin on the Court’s decisions in remarks to reporters outside the Palace of Justice in The Hague. “I am satisfied that our request for provisional measures was addressed,” she said.
Pandor said she was disappointed the word “cessation” of hostilities was not included in the Court’s orders, but said that to fulfill the orders to provide humanitarian services to Gaza Israel must stop its military operation.
“I believe to execute these orders there would have to be a ceasefire,” Pandor said. However, she added: “In no way will I say that I am disappointed” in the court’s ruling. “I had hoped for it [a ceasefire order], but to provide services would require a ceasefire.”
Pandor said she thought it “very significant” that Israel must report back to the World Court in one month to show how it is preventing its forces from committing genocide. It is unclear if there is a procedure for the Court to act if it is not satisfied with Israel’s report that Israel is fulfilling the order to do everything it can to prevent genocide.
Given that the Court’s directives amount to little more than public statements made by the U.S., Washington should be pleased with Friday’s ruling.
The Palestine Authority also tried to portray the ruling in a positive light. “The ICJ order is an important reminder that no state is above the law,” PA Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki said in a video statement. He said the ruling “should serve as a wake-up call for Israel and actors who enabled its entrenched impunity.”
The people who count most, Gazans, were crushed by the ruling.
Most of 50-minute statement read by Judge Joan Donoghue, the American president of the court, was taken up by a recitation of evidence that sounded like it came directly out of South Africa’s complaint.
She relied heavily on statements by top U.N. officials, including the secretary-general and senior aid officials, to paint a picture of abject horror being imposed on the people of Gaza. She also read into the record clear statements of genocidal intent by the Israeli defense minister and the Israeli president.
Israel has being saying all along and stated it clearly in its argument before the Court on Nov. 12 that it is providing humanitarian aid and that it is working very carefully to avoid civilian casualties. It can likely be expected that Israel’s one-month report will repeat similar statements, which have already been refuted by U.N. officials, including the secretary-general.
“Israel's commitment to international law is unshakable. Equally unshakable is our sacred commitment to continue to defend our country and protect our people.
Like any country, Israel has an inherent right to defend…
— Sulaiman Ahmed (@ShaykhSulaiman) January 26, 2024
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyah, who was described by Al Jazeera as pleased with the outcome, took to Twitter to state that the claim of Israel committing genocide was “rightly rejected” by the Court and to eviscerate anyone who dared suggest Israel could commit such a thing as genocide.
“Israel’s commitment to international law is unwavering,” Netanyahu wrote. “Equally unwavering is our sacred commitment to continue to defend our country and defend our people. Like every country, Israel has an inherent right to defend itself.” He said:
“The vile attempt to deny Israel this fundamental right is blatant discrimination against the Jewish state, and it was justly rejected. The charge of genocide leveled against Israel is not only false, it’s outrageous, and decent people everywhere should reject it.”
Netanyahu clearly believes that Israeli military actions the Court believes could amount to genocide is Israel’s “fundamental right.” He continued to present Israel as the victim and Hamas as the war criminal.
“On the eve of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, I again pledge as Prime Minister of Israel – Never Again,” he said. “Israel will continue to defend itself against Hamas, a genocidal terror organization.”
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who was singled out for his alleged incitement by the Court, said that Israel “does not need to be lectured on morality” by the Court.
“The International Court of Justice in The Hague went above and beyond, when it granted South Africa’s antisemitic request to discuss the claim of genocide in Gaza, and now refuses to reject the petition outright,” he said in a statement.
“Those who seek justice, will not find it on the leather chairs of the court chambers in The Hague — they will find it in the Hamas tunnels in Gaza, where 136 hostages are held, and where those who murdered our children are hiding,” he said. “They will find it in the ‘Spirit of the IDF,’ a document that outlines the values and conduct of our moral and professional soldiers.”
International lawyer Francis Boyle, who won provisional measures against Yugoslavia at the ICJ in 1993, told the Institute for Public Accuracy:
“This is a massive, overwhelming legal victory for the Republic of South Africa against Israel on behalf of the Palestinians. The U.N. General Assembly now can suspend Israel from participation in its activities as it did for South Africa and Yugoslavia. It can admit Palestine as a full member. And — especially since the International Criminal Court has been a farce — it can establish a tribunal to prosecute the highest level officials of the Israeli government, both civilian and military.”
Boyle was a guest on Monday on CN Live! along with former British ambassador Craig Murray, analyst Alexander Mercouris and former C.I.A. analyst Ray McGovern where they further discussed the ruling.
Joe Lauria is editor-in-chief of Consortium News and a former U.N. correspondent for The Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, and other newspapers, including The Montreal Gazette, the London Daily Mail and The Star of Johannesburg. He was an investigative reporter for the Sunday Times of London, a financial reporter for Bloomberg News and began his professional work as a 19-year old stringer for The New York Times. He is the author of two books, A Political Odyssey, with Sen. Mike Gravel, foreword by Daniel Ellsberg; and How I Lost By Hillary Clinton, foreword by Julian Assange. He can be reached at and followed on Twitter @unjoe
“Kill, first. Think, later!” Cui Bono? “The wolf speculates “there will be blood in the streets.” The fox knows, he’s got “blood on his hands.”
AND, imo, the Ayatollahs, in the Peace Palace, had a chance to be brilliant & they punted!!! Delivering justice is just NOT in their f/DNA! “[They] are the hollow men. [They] are stuffed men [& women] leaning together, headpiece filled with straw. Alas! [Their] dried voices, when [they] whisper together are quiet and meaningless as wind in dry grass; Or, rats’ feet over broken glass, in [their] dry cellar.”
……. “This is the way the world ends. This is the way the world ends. This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.” T.S.Eliot
“Give the people what they want?” A Celebration NOT another Funeral Service!!!
Thank you, Joe Lauria, for keeping the Decision, concise: 1) IDF stop violating Article 2 of the Genocide Convention, 2) “Random Assertions” by Israelis must be prevented & punished by law, by Israel, 3) Israel is to “Drop Food,” NOT Bombs!!! 4) Israel is to “report” back, to the Court, on how the prevention & punishment worked out. Save the Date: February 27, 2024, 5) Be advised, the Measures requested to “Stop the Killing,” Denied! 6) Israel’s on the Court’s Docket, date certain is uncertain. It’s f/years away. 7) The Court understands its taken 4 months to kill 25K+ Palestinians; but, the Who? What? When? Where? Why? … is gonna take years to adjudicate. 8) Ya know the proverb “be patient w/your drum, the night is long?” Apply here > @ “Decision.” As well,
……….“The people who count most, Gazans, were crushed by the ruling.” Joe Lauria
Imo, heed the warnings, “We all have the capacity, with little prodding, to become willing executioners. The line between the victim and the victimizer is razor thin. The dark lusts of racial and ethic supremacy, of vengeance and hate, of the eradication of those we condemn as embodying evil, are poisons that are not circumscribed by race nationality, ethnicity or religion.” Chris Hedges
………. “We can all become Nazis. It takes very little. And, if, we do not stand in eternal vigilance over evil —- our evil —- we become, like those carrying out the mass killing in Gaza, monsters.” Chris Hedges @ “Israel’s Genocide Betrays the Holocaust.” hxxps://
“Keep It Lit!”
Israel already killed at least 30,000 Palestinians. I am sure the world is be please to know now that the next 30,000 will be killed in full compliance with the Article 2 0f the Genocide Convention. Pathetic.
Come on and get real. Had the court ordered a cease fire, does anyone think for a minute that Netanyahu would listen for even a New York minute? War is an abomination and Israel is a butcher in this sad, sad genocidal affront to humanity.
Anyone who doubted that this court was as bad as the ICC has now had their doubts removed.
The president of this court is an American. Blind justice???
Alexander Mercouris has made an excellent analysis, more positive and insightful than many others. He has a podcast called the Duran which should be viewed regularly.
Alexander will be on CN Live! Saturday at 3pm EST to discuss the court’s ruling.
I confess to some confusion about the implications of the ruling. Trita Parsi had an altogether more positive assessment on Responsible Statecraft: hxxps://
Sadly, it seems that Lauria’s analysis may be the more accurate. I’ll definitely be watching CN Live! to hear how Murray and Mercouris understand the court’s decision. Thank you, Consortium News, for providing accurate, detailed, and up to date reporting.
In response to the charge of genocide, which includes ethnic cleansing, the powerful Israel cabinet minister Smotrim litterally has said that if the world wants to prevent the genocide, then they must open their doors to the victims and help the ethnic cleansing proceed in a quicker fashion. This is what Israel defines a humanitarianism. A faster genocide will be less painful, so get our of our way and instead help us commit our atrocity.
So far gone. You see this in both Israel and America. They are now so far gone that even when trying to say that a judgement against them is somehow corrupt, they admit to their crimes. They admit to ethnic cleansing, but somehow claim that they are allowed to do this. They act like the ‘crime’ is to stand up and try to protect human beings from genocide. They simply can not tell right from wrong, and they believe that anything they do is somehow ‘right’.
After World War 2 and its genocide, the world said clearly that “The End Justify The Means” is an Evil policy. But, the Chosen People and the Exceptional People have decided that their Ends do justify their Means.
I don’t agree with the comments!! We all knew the result would be unenforceable, but the effect on most people in the world and their attitude to Israel will last!!! The reaction of Netanyahu and his ministers reinforce the acknowledgement by the vast majority of the world, including so many Jews, that the Zionist project is unsustainable and the Palestinians are actual human beings. World without War site has given a much more positive reaction to this verdict. All countries are supposed to help Israel follow the instructions!! Of course the USA/UK will not, but many will. Look out for Pepe Escobar’s new piece on AnsarAllah and the US attacks on these brave Houthi fighters who have overcome British colonialism, 8 years of massive destruction by Saudi Arabia armed by US/UK and have NOT given up. Their attacks in the Red Sea on US/UK ships are done for MORAL REASONS to support Gaza. None of the Western powers have this sort of decency, and certainly Israel does not. The next actions need to be to do our best to get Israel to comply with the genuine demands of the ICJ.
I think you’re right and regardless the advocacy you propose is needed. I look forward to hearing Francis Boyle’s opinion of the ICJ order.
World attention to this matter is certainly good. I think the anger (at least in my own case) is directed at the weakness in the Court’s response because despite finding for genocide tendencies, a cease-fire was not ordered, and restraints are so weakly stated. Key to the Court’s response was the need to go after the excuses for indiscriminate slaughter, acknowledged by Biden and yet supported anyway by him and his staff. But this was not done. That is, the Court should have taken on the “human shields” and “self-defense” excuses, which will continue to be employed so that nothing much is going to change in the onslaught. The Court needed to say, firmly, respond only to Hamas attacks in Zionist territory. This would put some teeth into its provision to stop killing Palestinians. Wherever the rockets are coming from would surely narrow the field of return bombing/fire, and efforts to engage the fighters, and this refinement would save lives and possibly allow aid for what has been done.
Why does the ICJ need years to decide whether genocide has taken place when South Africa has supplied detailed factual evidence while Israel have countered with mere rhetoric.
Are they waiting until ‘ the last man standing’ or Palestinian extinction which would be in accordance with the rejection of a two state plan.
That is a very good question. Sure many of the details need time to be presented, and a rebuttal given. It should take time, but let’s hope not many years. The court should expedite the procedure as well as it can.
Genocide has no meaning now.
Just because they didn’t call for an unenforceable ceasefire? The ICJ overwhelmingly ruled in favor of South Africa, and even went beyond their case.
In what kind of court is the indicted (Israel) allowed to ignore the requests of the victim and define the conditions of bail?
Israel is out on bail right now, after being indicted by the ICJ, who found “probable cause”.
In addition to allowing Israel to control their own bail conditions, the Court’s preliminary relief was so vague as to be meaningless.
What happened in the events of OCT 7, 2023 and the Israeli government’s response does not absolve Israel from the massive punishment of Gaza’s civilian populations. The ICJ does not permit. While the ambitious Gallant, Ben-Gvir and the other whackos will gloat. Netanyahu is spatially ambiguous and conflicted. His boat is sinking. So will the sad Israeli leadership.
These lying land-grabbing ethnic-cleansing supremacists cannot be beat.
They’re going to succeed in their grotesque and sickening genocide in Gaza. Then they’ll totally whitewash the history of it and most of academe will succumb. The few dissidents who know the score will be scoffed at, mocked and ridiculed.
They’re indestructible. They’re the best and most slickest liars the world has ever seen. They’ll humiliate you, get you blackballed, denigrate you, or have their media organs totally ignore you if you’re an articulate, effective and committed anti-Zionist fighter.
Their high verbal IQs make them extremely adept at running astonishingly adroit propaganda campaigns via all sectors of the mass media that they control.
Absolutely no viable U.S. presidential candidate can even mildly buck them whatsoever.
That’s the most negative view…but is certainly plausible. Qualifying that prediction, however, might be the near unanimity of the voting. Only one judge voted against the decision, the one from Uganda. Going to be interesting to hear where she was coming from. Even the Israeli ‘plant’ judge, a nationalist, voted against Israeli on two of the provisional measures. Hard to predict where this is headed, and what effect it might have on countries, and companies, supporting Israel up to now, once it becomes clear that EVERYONE, every country that is a signatory to the Genocide Convention, has an obligation to prevent it.
The dissenting opinion of Judge Sebutinde from Uganda is available (as PDF file) on the ICJ-CIJ dot org website along with other documents relating to case/192.
Indestructible? How so? Israel has admitted a) after they withdrew from Gaza City Hamas has reestablished itself, and is even firing rockets at Sderot from there; and b) Hezbollah has in fact imposed a buffer zone within Israel that can only be cleared by invading Lebanon (which would be an even worse mistake than it was in 2006). That is hardly indestructible; sounds more like ramshackle to me. The only thing they can do effectively is murder civilians, and the whole world is disgusted by it.
If Israel cannot clear Hamas from any part of Gaza, cannot insure the stability of their northern border, and their much vaunted propaganda efforts are ineffective against world opinion, then they are in fact loosing.
Israel has leveled all of northern Gaza! It’s on the verge of forcing 2 million Palestinians into the Sinai Desert.
They’ve run a successful land-grabbing occupation for several decades.
It’s got a total lock on American politicians who vote massive arms deals and billion-dollar subsidies to them every year for several decades.
They totally control Western mass media. They’ve gotten Ivy college presidents fired.
These Zio freaks sure seem indestructible to me.
And just so we’re clear, I don’t like any of this.
So basically, the International court of justice offers none. What a surprise…
The Court said that provisional measures “need not be identical” to those requested by South Africa, and then proceeded to absolutely gut the South African request! From “not identical” to nothing! WTF!
The Court left the door open to challenges top its jurisdiction, so Israel will continue to be allowed to make absurd arguments about lack of a dispute and standing.
The Court grounded the “context” for the dispute on October 7 and then made false statements that 1,200 Israeli’s were hilled by Hamas attack.
The Court reached beyond the scope of the South African complaint to recognize Israel’s concern for the hostages. This has nothing to do with whether Israel in engaged in genocide. It was pure political pandering.
The Israeli ad hoc judge opposed all but one of the toothless provisional measures! He was on the losing end of 16-1 and 15-2 votes. That shows incredible corruption. I think he even opposed a Report to the Court.
Shameful cowardice by the Court.
It appears to be up to the people living under the tyrannical governments of the West, most especially the US to bring about the needed political changes in our respective countries. Some general strikes may be necessary to dislodge the criminal class that has captured our institutions. I don’t see any other way to accomplish what needs to be done without risking a disastrous third world war which would mean the end of life on earth. People power is our only hope.
Onward, Yemeni soldiers!
The cliches of absurdity. Pussy-footing on genocide while the exceptional and indispensable nation slouches toward the final hissy fit of Armageddon.
Existing western “legal systems” (and “the rules-based order”) are not about justice. They are about preserving and protecting the status quo of wealth, power, privilege, and domination. They are an “empty form” of law. Consider how laws from the Civil Rights era of the U$ are now being used to threaten and silence debate about Israeli genocide, just as the 14th Amendment was used (extra-judicially) to turn corporations into (fictitious) “persons” or people.
Money is speech and Israel, being Israel, can NEVER be charged with crimes against humanity or genocide as (like Elon “We’ll coup whoever we want to … ” Musk) everyone, for all time, must atone for the ONLY that has ever occurred, thus permitting perpetual “plausible deniability”.
Basically, it is now obvious, to all of humanity, that “institutional solution” is currently impossible when the U$ (and “allies”) can effectively control, through bribes and intimidation, what every such institution, primarily the UN, it’s ICJ and the ICC, in such cases, does or can do.
Recall those who claimed that “Putin should not have invaded” and “Hammas should not have attacked” – because they should have, it is implied, taken their grievances to the UN.
Recall also, that the UN has claimed that it has not the “mandate” to investigate who bombed Nord Stream and media influencers insist that “we” must accept that, “We will, very likely, never know”, about so very many things.
However, the majority of human beings do know genocide when they see it.
Not only am I ASHAMED of my Jewish background (already broke off relations with family), just as ASHAMED of belonging to the white race. Hasn’t the white race massacred enough people through centuries? And still not done?
Tell me how you feel when you’re ashamed to be a member of the human race. Whenever I consider how the greed of men is leading this world, as we know it, to utter and unstoppable catastrophe, an extinction for the ages, being ashamed is hardly the appropriate word. The murder of virtually all living things exists as a possibility, either from a nuclear holocaust, or from the destruction of most things that have made this world such a fantastic world for living things. To think that human beings bear this horrid responsibility grieves me beyond all understanding.i
ICJ to Israel: “Tsk, tsk—now you be nice.”
It is now painfully apparent to the majority of the global public, that the self-selected ‘chosen’ people are exempt from the statutes of the Genocide Convention— exempt from the forces of law.
This has nothing to do with Judaism!
What other proof is required telling us that there are no rules, when brute power is on the stand!
Hitler never conceded, in his deranged mind, nor capitulated to the world.
He was senselesslly content to take Germany down with him into the abyss from which it has not yet recovered, with regard to matters Israeli.
The Scholz government, in everlasting repentance for Nazi Germanys atrocities during Ww II seems to be in the same boat.
I agree. This is horrifying.
So the court (and by extension, international law) has failed to stop an ongoing genocide that they believe there is “plausible” evidence for. And somehow this should be celebrated? Is everyone involved just trying to save face at this point?
“Hague shmague,” responded national security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir on X. A chortling sort of sneering not only came out of this person but also Netanyahu with more of his sickening self-righteousness. The court’s pusillanimous response reminds of Blinken.
Yes, indeed! Great word that – pusillanimous. Thank you.
>> Israel must also pursue legal action against Israelis who made statements of genocidal intent.<<
In lieu of an court-unenforceable "ceasefire" ruling, th court returned israel to public exposure which may persuade the usa et alia to begin a cessation of hostilities.
Bibi and bidet must be prosecuted.
What Russia calls its “Special Military Operation” was launched after the Russians tried to get the UN and the ‘international community’ to stop the genocide against the Donbas. Between the Nazi’s overthrow of the elected Kiev government, and Feb 2022, some 15,000 people are acknowledged to have died in the conflict. The UN of course did the same Three Monkeys act then as well. They saw no evil, and they dare not speak truth to evil.
Russia did not waste its breath appealing to this bunch of kangeroos asking them to please, pretty please, make the Nazis stop the genocide. Turns out, they had a correct reading of the situation. Undoubtedly based on watching the UN and ‘European Values’ approve of genocide for 10 years, always seeing no evil, hearing no evil, and of course never, ever speaking truth to evil.
The UN, officially providing the silence it takes for evil to succeed.
I like your analysis. I totally agree that the Ukrainian model and the Israeli one are almost the same. And, are both attempts at genocide.
Many zionists deny that Ukraine is steeped in Nazis, while Israel uses Nazi tactics against Palestinians. The ironies are ubiquitous.
Einstein, 1929: “Should we be unable to find a way to honest cooperation and honest pacts with the Arabs, then we have learned absolutely nothing from our 2,000 years of suffering and will deserve our fate.”
Another aspect of the same irony: the “neo”-nazi Azov Battalion is reportedly funded by the prominent Ukrainian Jewish plutocrat Igor Kolomoiskii.
A zionist funding nazis would probably not have surprised Zhabotinskii, whose followers now form the Israeli government.
Great comment. Spot-on.
Exactly right. The Russians knew what they had to do and they did it. And they are winning, thank goodness.
Well said!
I grew up in the mountains that gave America the legend of the Hatfields and the McCoys. Now I live in what used to be known as the Wild West. Both teach about ‘Law’ and ‘Peace’. Law is an attempt to keep the peace. It tells the victims of crimes not to act violently. The Law will investigate. The Law will provide Justices.
The history of the Wild West also teaches what happens when there is no law. There is no other option other than taking actions yourself for justice. If you want to make ‘them’ stop killing you or your sheep, its up to you to make them stop. In such a situation, you can not count on ‘law’. Its up to you.
Today’s ruling says that you can not count on ‘law’ to stop genocide. Its up to you. Some nations, some people, are acting to stop genocide. Turns out, they had the right idea. Relying on ‘law’ to stop this won’t work. The Genocide won’t stop until we make it stop. As expected, a kangaroo court will not stop the genocide.
The question remains, when will we stop the genocide? The US has returned the world to the Wild West. There is no law. So, the question becomes, when will we end the genocide?
I agree. This must end and Israel needs to pay a steep price, like being kicked out of the UN for a start. They don’t belong in any civilized organization.
Sounds like the complete absence of action on the part of the world community justifies armed resistance as the only recourse colonized and oppressed people have – From Vietnam to the Donbas to Palestine and beyond. I hope that this sets a precedent for oppressed people of the global South to take the imperial powers to court over and over again. Justice is slow, but it is inexorable.
I’ll be blunter than Pandor and say “shame on you ICJ”. Am I surprised? No. But it only exposes the reality of the post WW2, but long obsolete, world order.
The good news is that the axis of resistance never put all its eggs in that basket. The axis is well on its plan to implement a war of attrition against Israel, US and EU that they will not be able survive. Besides, the global majority is solidly on the side of the axis of resistance. The fight goes on.
Seems like the tentacles of the Zionist global oligarchy has no limits of power and influence.
You’ve been allowed to continue with your Genocide (systematic extermination of the Palestinian people) you barbaric savages.
RIP International Justice
“Netanyahu’s director of communications and policy planning, David Bar-Illan, explained that some areas would be left to Palestinians, and if they wanted to call them “a state,” Israel would not object-or they could call them “fried chicken”. His response reflects the operative attitude of the U.S.-Israeli coalition to Palestinian rights” ca. 1996
Noam Chomsky – “Who Rules the World?”
“The architects of power in the United States must create a force that can be felt but not seen. Power remains strong when it remains in the dark: exposed to sunlight it begins to evaporate”
Samuel Huntington
Thanks to South Africa for shedding a little more light anyway.
Are you F-ing kidding me? What a bunch of good-for-nothing cowards! Yeah, let’s just let the IDF murder at will!
I hear you. What an outrage!
A Quick Assessment:
Reality has ruled convincingly for the world!
Knowing there is no way of enforcing an immediate ceasefire what else could the ICJ have ruled in order to maintain the idea of the legitimacy of ‘law’
The bloodletting horror will continue.
This time, 85-plus years on, it is Biden’s appeasement agreement with Netanyahu that has come out holding sway over the ICJ and history!
“Hamas and other groups”. If Isreal had its way, their war would go on forever because their actions are increasing the members of those in the quote. Now Isreal is officially a doing-bad state. I am curious to see what the MSM does with this ruling. Thank you for the coverage CN.
Please spell Israel correctly. Otherwise, I completely agree with you. The war against the Palestinians HAS ALREADY gone on forever.
Pandora box is open
Why no ceasefire?????
By the time the savages are finished, a sizeable proportion of the population will be exterminated, and, if we wait for an actual verdict of Genocide itself then that could take years, meaning the Zionist monsters would have succeeded in their aims.
All western leaders with the exception of 1/2 are complicit in this genocide, they would need to brought to justice and that’s a step too far even for this court I think.
This ‘ruling’ of course is an almost exact copy of Joe Biden’s position…. we appeal to Israel to pretty please try to avoid killing the civilians. Which provides a clear answer to your question. Why no cease-fire? Because Emperor Joe doesn’t want a cease-fire.
Emperor Joe wants the killing to continue. If people with functioning souls try to protest this at one of his Teleprompter Readings, the Democrats respond with chants of “Four More Years”
Emperor Joe and the Democrats. …. Four More Years of overtime work for crematorium workers at home and abroad. Look at the Jobs we’ve created.
Hear, hear. I am completely disgusted and outraged. We are living under the rule of criminals. If we don’t have revolution soon, all hope is lost.
Maybe what they have done is the best they could do given the circumstances?
Here’s the ruling, I don’t think not calling for a ceasefire is the same as capitulating:
I agree with Konrad. As I recall, it took the International Court of Justice about 24 hours to order the Russian Federation to terminate its special military operation in the civil war in Ukraine (2022). When the collective West wants decisions from the ICJ, they get the decisions they WANT and the they get those decisions FAST.
Praying for Truth to prevail ..!
This kind of proves the futility of prayer, I would think.
If the court condemns Israel for committing genocide, the action will move to the UN for presumably some action. Of course, the U.S would veto. Thus, no action will b taken against Israel. In other words, the court’s condemnation would be anti-Israel PR which is not something Israel can afford to ignore. What a feeling! To be hated by all humanity except for the U.S and its European “yes” men.
If history is anything to go by, they will do a Pontius Pilatus, wash their imaginary bloody hands, say they cannot find fault with USEUIsrael, dismiss the case and allow the genocide to go on, until it is all but finished, and then claim it was not in their power to do anything about it anyhow..discompassionate clowns dressed in robes and wigs all these so called judges are, all corrupt as long as bribes paid are right..even if they find the accused guilty, their decision cannot and will not be enforced…expecting the worst any which way…
Whatever the decision, there is no way to enforce it! Their decision has no teeth, so they are a toothless lion. They deserve no compensation for their apathetic actions. Their black robes are a sign of black hearts!
Yes. The ZLobby have had heaps of time to tempt or threaten them, and they have the power to crush a career, or disappear people.
A political rather than a judicial court. US and Israeli pressure will dominate.
even if the outcome is or will be unsatisfactory it’s the process that’s important. or in Craig Murray’s words: ‘my observation of the demeanour of the judges at the Hague left me not too hopeful. They definitely appeared very uncomfortable to be taking a case which effectively puts the actions of the entire western political establishment on trial, not just Israel. Yet it was impossible to say that South Africa had not presented a strong prima facie case of genocide, including plentiful evidence of intent, which at this stage was all South Africa needed to do….’ – hxxps://