WATCH: ‘They Stole a Country in Full Bloom’


Pro-Palestinian Israeli activist Miko Peled explains to a Melbourne, Australia audience Thursday how Israel stole Palestinian cities and farmland in 1948 and has continued its ethnic cleansing until today’s brutal operation in Gaza.

Video by Cathy Vogan for Consortium News

From Miko Peled is an author, writer, speaker, and human rights activist living in the United States. He is considered by many to be one of the clearest voices calling for justice in Palestine, support of the Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) and the creation of a single democracy with equal rights in all of historic Palestine.

Peled’s maternal grandfather, Avraham Katznelson was a signer on the Israeli Declaration of Independence. His father, Matti Peled was a general in the Israeli army and pioneered an Israeli-Palestinian dialogue in the 1970’s which led him to meeting Yasser Arafat in an effort to convene him to recognize the State of Israel and adopt the Two State Solution. In 1997, Miko’s sister lost her daughter, Smadar, in a suicide bombing in Jerusalem. This tragedy is what finally drove Miko to embark on his journey to discover Palestine.

Audience at Peled talk in Melbourne. (Cathy Vogan)

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15 comments for “WATCH: ‘They Stole a Country in Full Bloom’

  1. robert e williamson jr
    December 17, 2023 at 12:44

    Miko Peled has this history correct. Long live the BDS!

  2. December 17, 2023 at 10:08

    Any competent history of ‘civilization’ is the story of naked aggression and genocidal expropriation of land and resources; it is continually amazing that it is also a story that we have long refused to realize the true meaning of as we go on to the next iteration. We can hope that the honest telling of the story of the origin of Israel and settler-colonial history generally will have an impact.

  3. wildthange
    December 16, 2023 at 20:56

    True and western civilization has responsibility for nanny thefts of the same order plus a religion of antisemitism for close to two thousand years. Using military power as proof of superior god given status seems to go along with monotheism for full spectrum dominance of world culture. Reparations are due for profiting off of peoples suffering around the world in general by empires addicted to ,military protection rackets strategic interest and misuse and excessive waste of resources and environmental damages..

  4. Ace Thelin
    December 16, 2023 at 20:23

    Miko is telling the truth without the usual, lets tip toe around so we don’t upset the Zionists in the room rhetoric. So refreshing to hear his clarion call for Justice in Palestine. We need more people with his courage.

  5. Valerie
    December 16, 2023 at 12:34

    Why aren’t there more Miko Peleds in the world.
    Thankyou Cathy Vogan for that amazing video.

  6. lester
    December 16, 2023 at 12:20

    Isn’t Australia’s history one of genocide and ethnic cleansing too? As the USA’s of course.

    • Rafael
      December 17, 2023 at 19:00


  7. December 16, 2023 at 12:11

    It is often said that history is written by the victors and seldom by the vanquished. Similarly, news is written by the oppressors and seldom by the oppressed. What the Zionists in Israel have done to the Palestinians was done in plain sight for everyone to see, but what was reported was only that which was approved by the oppressors and their supporters.

    There is much written about Zionist oppression of Palestinians, but it doesn’t get much visibility. Why? Because it doesn’t agree with the official narrative that all Jews are victims that must be supported at all costs. The official narrative conflates Judaism and Jews with Zionism and Zionists, the former being a religious group and the latter being a political movement. And while Jews have been the oppressed for several centuries, Zionists in Israel have become the oppressors.

    Sadly, the distinction between Jews and Zionists is lost in the official narrative, thus biasing public opinion in favor of the Zionists.

  8. Paula
    December 16, 2023 at 11:43

    666, that’s biblical for sure. Mark of the beast. Fits.

  9. Vera Gottlieb
    December 16, 2023 at 11:05

    How much longer is the ‘civilized’ West going to turn a blind eye to 75 + years of Zionist cruelty??? There is a quote by Chris Hedges: The language of death…it is how israel speaks to Palestinians. It is how Palestinians are forced to speak back. Chris Hedges (Consortium News). Most of today’s israelis never suffered – they read all the stories, watched all the documentaries but NEVER personally experienced what older israelis went through during Holocaust. I fail to understand how oppressed can turn into such cruel oppressors. What have Palestinians done???

  10. TDillon
    December 15, 2023 at 21:00

    Finally the American public is being told the TRUE story of Israel! Israel’s mask is coming off. This is crucial for Americans to understand and assess the US relationship with Israel. It’s not what they have been told. And it raises the further story of WHY & HOW the US public has been blanketed with a monumental cover story about Israel. Which raises a further story about other possible cover stories.

    • Michael O Malloy
      December 16, 2023 at 18:48

      With a Jewish-controlled media and an AIPAC-controlled congress the US sheeple continue their blind ignorance

      • Rebecca
        December 17, 2023 at 06:32

        The media in the USA – as in most of the world – is not controlled by Jews. It is controlled by corporations and billionaires. For example, the owner of the Washington Post is an certain comfortably well-off Jeffrey Preston Bezos né Jorgensen who, so far as I know, has never identified as Jewish. Get rid of that antisemitism (and contempt for the American people) right away.

        • Rafael
          December 17, 2023 at 19:03

          well said, Rebecca!

  11. Em
    December 15, 2023 at 19:26

    Miko Peled @ Bethlehem (NY-US) Public Library, recorded Dec. 5th

    Empirical insights into ignorance and cognitive dissonance in populations


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