WATCH: Assange on Human Rights Day


Julian Assange’s father John Shipton addressed a rally in Sydney, Australia on Human Rights Day Sunday, calling for his son’s immediate release. 

Joining Shipton at the rally was Adriana Navarro, Father Dave Smith, Senator David Shoebridge, Rodrigo Acuna, David McBride, Cathy Vogan & Tom Toby. (Video by Cathy Vogan for Consortium News.)


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6 comments for “WATCH: Assange on Human Rights Day

  1. Paula
    December 11, 2023 at 15:12

    My reference is to the United Nations meeting where USA was the only dissenter in a request for a permanent or not ceasefire, with single hand raised, was banned on X, supposedly our only social media outlet left standing in a world of censorship.. What got me banned was equating the single hand of the US rep at the UN meeting, while other nations abstained from voting, is the following : “Heil Hitler from America”. “Heil Hitler from the USA.” What you can see in the UN is as telling of their powerlessness to control genocidal tendencies, including how they so easily criminalizie Russian leader but not Israel leader. I make not conclusion that you cannot make on your own if you read and know what is not taught in schools for reason.

  2. December 11, 2023 at 11:06

    It would be nice if the British Government would stop being obedient and prostrating itself to the US Government and transfere Assange to the Australian legal department. For a country that prides itself on its legal system it is shameful that the UK imprison a foreign national on the orders of a another foreign country, it’s time they grew a pair and took action to free a man who is innocent of the charges the US have brought against him in their desire to curb a free press.

  3. susan
    December 11, 2023 at 06:41

    Free Assange, Manning, McBride and all those who speak truth to the totally corrupt power that exists on this planet!


  4. Graeme
    December 10, 2023 at 23:54

    At the end of October, Australian PM Albanese gave an interview where he was asked about Julian Assange being freed from US persecution.

    Albanese’s response is not promising; once again an Australian PM has succumbed to the bullshit of an American president.

    The question: “Time that Joe Biden stepped in and ordered that the case be dropped?”

    Albanese replied, emphatically: “No. Joe Biden doesn’t interfere with the Department of Justice.
    Joe Biden is a president who understands the separation of the judicial system from the political system.
    That’s an important principle.
    We just had an important discussion about democracy and the nature of it.”

    The urgency of global citizens to place even more pressure on the US, Australian and UK governments could never be more pronounced.

    ABC-TV Insiders, October 29, 2023. At 10:00 mins.

  5. Valerie
    December 10, 2023 at 12:53

    Fanfuckingtastic. What speeches and passion. I believe i have posted this before, but it bears repeating again and again and again:

    “WASHINGTON, Jan 18, 2011 (Reuters) – Internal U.S. government reviews have determined that a mass leak of diplomatic cables caused only limited damage to U.S. interests abroad, despite the Obama administration’s public statements to the contrary.

    A congressional official briefed on the reviews said the administration felt compelled to say publicly that the revelations had seriously damaged American interests in order to bolster legal efforts to shut down the WikiLeaks website and bring charges against the leakers.”


    • LeoSun
      December 12, 2023 at 11:13

      Valerie, 100%!!! “The Speeches. The Passion.” E L E C T R I F Y I N G!!!

      W/o a doubt, Australia & CN, “Brings It!” Proof, there really are Angels on Earth!!! And, inphkndeed, “US officials privately say WikiLeaks damage limited.” Reuters, 1.18.11, “bears [REPEATING] repeating again and again and again:”

      ……”oh, mighty $hip of $tate,” the Commander-n-$peech, #44’s admin says, in private, “LEAKS Embarrassing, NOT Damaging.” However, #44’s admin aka WH + War Chiefs, “Seeking to Keep Pressure on WikiLeaks.” Consequently, the Assassin-n-Chief’s WH “felt compelled to say publicly that revelations had seriously damaged American intere$ts, in order, to Bol$ter legal efforts to shut down WikiLeaks’ website & bring charges against “The Leakers.”

      “I think they just want to present the toughest front they can muster.” Anonymous in the Deep $tate.

      “Never Say Die,” the Angels aka PeaceMakers brings us, “If I must die, let it be a tale.” (Excellent delivery, herein, by John Shipton, Father of Julian Assange)

      ….”IF, I must die, YOU must live to tell my story. To sell my things. To buy a piece of cloth and some strings, (make it white with a long tail) so that a child, somewhere in Gaza while looking heaven in the eye, awaiting his dad who left in a blaze-and, bid no one farewell, not even to his flesh. Not even to himself—-sees the kite.

      My kite, you made. Flying up above and thinks for a moment an Angel is there bringing back love. If, I, must die, let it bring hope. Let it be a tale.” Dr. Refaat al-Ar’eer, in Gaza.

      “The assassination of al-Ar’eer is one of many, heinous atrocities carried out by I$rael,” $upported by the USG. Concluding, “a parasite cannot live alone.”

      “Let there be songs, to fill the air,” Music Travel Love (At Al Ain) “Stand By Me,” @ ” hxxps://

      TY, Valerie, CN, Australia, the Universe. “KEEP IT LIT!”

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