Foreign ministers spoke at the U.N. Security Council on Tuesday as the humanitarian catastrophe continues to mount in Gaza. Israel called on the U.N. secretary-general to resign after he called for Israel to obey the laws of war.
If Colette Peters is really intent on cleaning up the U.S. Bureau of Prisons she has her work cut out for her. Things are not going well on her watch so far.
Dan Steinbock says the Hamas war is manna from heaven to Israel’s far-right government. Netanyahu himself has contributed to the expansion of Hamas since the 1990s.
The Israeli historian explains the history essential to understanding the current attacks on Gaza and the danger of suppressing that history. He spoke last Thursday at UC Berkeley.
As Israel prepares for its ground invasion to decrease Gaza’s territory, it is also cracking down on dissent harder than ever, including on journalists, reports Elizabeth Vos.
Israel has been isolating the Palestinian struggle from its regional context, writes Ramzy Baroud. Palestine must, once more, become an issue that concerns all Arabs.
Natylie Baldwin interviews Ivan Katchanovski, a Canadian-Ukrainian professor whose research focuses on the Ukraine coup of 2014 and the killing that year of protesters in Kiev.
When they raided the Tricontinental Research Services’ office in early October, investigators took, among other things, 12 dossiers featured here. Vijay Prashad recommends they study them all.