WATCH: BRICS at World Historical Turning Point


Alexander Mercouris of The Duran discusses the implications for the future resulting from the BRICS summit last week in South Africa. 

Videos published with permission. Watch the full episode of the first video here.

4 comments for “WATCH: BRICS at World Historical Turning Point

  1. Vera Gottlieb
    August 29, 2023 at 12:12

    Keep fingers crossed that no in-fighting erupts. Egos should be left at the door.

  2. TP Graf
    August 28, 2023 at 07:19

    It certainly seems that when you look at the numbers of the world’s population layered with so many countries being under minor to “maximum pressure” sanctions driven by the absolute hubris in the west, an alternative trading mechanism will by necessity happen at a speed unknown in history. Certainly, technology will enable a cumbersome process if put together well and fairly. As for what this will mean for the USA, it must be said they are their own worst enemy. As Alexander said in another post, “They are mediocrity who think themselves geniuses.”

  3. Drew Hunkins
    August 28, 2023 at 00:57

    Saudi Arabia agreeing to join Iran in the BRICS is a very big deal. Groundbreaking.

  4. IJ Scambling
    August 27, 2023 at 14:38

    At the end of these comments, Alexander seems to suggest the conflict in Niger is a forerunner, or perhaps a newly obvious indicator of where the globe is headed. Yesterday’s news from Niamey is interesting in that light.

    Another rally was held in Niamey’s main stadium, drawing thousands to observe performances and speeches, and this directly after the French ambassador was ordered out of the country the day before.

    “On Friday, Niger’s foreign ministry announced that French ambassador Sylvain Itte had 48 hours to leave, claiming he refused to meet with the new rulers and citing French government actions that were ‘contrary to the interests of Niger’.

    Paris has since rejected the demand, saying that “the putschists do not have the authority to make this request.”

    The attitudes expressed here are certainly profound, in terms of Paris not only refusing its ambassador for talks but declaring who is boss, and the people at the rally being told all is now up to them. This mood in Niger is apparently widespread in the global south related to the future of BRICS.


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