Punished For the Facts


Consortium News has raised the ire of the Establishment, which has hit back. 

Nina Jankowicz on Cyber Security at the U.S. Embassy Vienna in 2019. (U.S. Embassy, Vienna)

In July of last year, The Grayzone published an article revealing that a British Foreign Office official had contacted Nina Jankowicz, who then headed the now suspended U.S. Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board, to look into Consortium News.

In an email to Jankowicz with the subject line, “Who’s behind Consortium News,” the official says he had asked  Jankowicz about CN and said, “She is going to ask around but thinks it is useful idiots rather than funding.”

Screenshot of email to Jankowicz about Consortium News. (The GrayZone)

According to this email, Jankowicz didn’t think Russia was funding Consortium News. Very nice of her. We are just “useful idiots,” said the woman who served that function for the U.S. security state.

In another email seen by Consortium News, the former British official is quoted as saying he would “look into” CN‘s editor.  

This followed our editor’s inclusion on the Hamilton 68 “dashboard,” a fake list of supposed Russian stooges that mainstream media repeatedly quoted from without skepticism during the Russiagate mania.  

It also followed PayPal permanently suspending CN in May 2022 for apparently publishing what PayPal’s using agreement says was “disinformation.”  

In August 2022, NewsGuard judged our site “irresponsible” for publishing facts about the Ukraine conflict that it and the establishment want to suppress as they seek to protect their personal interests against the public’s. 

We are asking for your support during our Spring Fund Drive to help us keep up the fight against these dark forces that want to enforce a single narrative — their own.  


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